
Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Lucifer Project - The Rebellion - Gabriel VS Lucifer :The Trial Before The Ancients of Day

             ...* The Father is the first source and center of all reality. He is the one and only uncaused cause. And, while his dwelling place is the geographic center of Infinity he is, at the same time, omnipresent. But, there is a concurrent truth that must also be embraced....

,,,,,*Our Father did not create evil although he did create the gift of free will. In so doing he created the potential for evil. Evil did not originate with Lucifer either, though we would maintain that he orchestrated a wholesale conversion of potential evil to actual evil through his persistent choice and promotion of evil*.,,,


Christ Michael and The Grand Experiment.

Nebadon's Creator God decided to experiment with ITs Universe; to create in such a way as to "push the envelope" as to what had been done before by other Creator Gods. IT wanted to see how far and how fast duality would progress if all or most cautions or stops were removed and the participants were not allowed to remember just who they truly are... Conscious Spirits who volunteered to take on an Over-Soul, by way of Creator Source; hook up with Creator God/Lord Aton of the sixth Universe; and, by way of the Over-Soul, create lives and personal Life Plans that will fit into the Divine Plan for the Universe.

Lord Aton wanted to create a Universe which would extend the known boundaries of duality, of separation, to see where that would lead. Others Creator Gods had and were, in their NOW, doing this experiment also, however they were more cautious and conservative... NOT acting in the exaggerated, envelope busting degree that Lord Aton chose to create ITs Universe.

Lord Aton asked for and attracted some of the bravest, most loving and curious Spirits in existence within the All That Is. These Spirits are who you truly are in your "whole and complete" form, beyond you as Over-Soul; beyond Creator God and even beyond Creator Source.

As "Spirit" you are consciously aware of your individuality, but also are aware that you ARE everything, a part of the All That Is... yet you can choose to take on various bodies in billions of dimensions and worlds..... All the ev... more »

The Fallen Angel - The  Ajura - Lucifer.

Lucifer was arrested with the others archrebels - Satan - Caligastia and Dalagastia - in 1956  By Arch Michael - Gabriel and The Celestial Light Forcess.

They have been kept in Orvonton for 30 years.The Subreme Court by the 3 Ancients of Days gave to the rebels enough time to consider the Devine mercy, offered by Christ Michael of Nebadon. The adjudication was finalized in the fall of 1985.
They chose annihilation and uncreation instead,and are no more in existanse.

The reasons that the rebellion was allowed to continue for 200,000 years are discussed in The Urantia Book. … “You must understand that up until the time Lucifer ceased to exist, he still had free will and had not agreed to the adjudication. The adjudication could not happen until he agreed that it was the right thing to do…” [James, Oct. 4, 1992] The sinner himself must agree with the verdict before adjudication can take place. [UB Paper 54] [pp. 615-618] [See also, the History of the Teaching Mission, Woods Cross, Apr. 20, 1993]

 Lucifer was not an ascendant being; he was a created Son of the local universe.
LuciferA brilliant primary Lanonandek Son who served as a loyal Sovereign over the System of Satania for 500,000 years before he decided that there was no Universal Father and made a Declaration of Liberty, contending that the local systems should be autonomous. Through pride, he convinced himself that the rebellion was for the good of the system....

601.1) 53:0.1 LUCIFER was a brilliant primary Lanonandek Son of Nebadon. He had experienced service in many systems, had been a high counselor of his group, and was distinguished for wisdom, sagacity, and efficiency. Lucifer was number 37 of his order, and when commissioned by the Melchizedeks, he was designated as one of the one hundred most able and brilliant personalities in more than seven hundred thousand of his kind.

...*Did God create Lucifer with the seed of sin in his heart, so that it was only a matter of time before he became a "devil?" Ezekiel 28:15

Helps and hints: This is a very important question. Sin originated in the heart of Lucifer, as indicated by this passage. But did God therefore "create sin" because He created Lucifer? God DID NOT create sin. But He did create his creatures with the freedom of choice. God could never be content with mere robots. Free will means the power to choose for or against something. Lucifer had the choice to remain loyal to God, or to rebel against Him. He was created with no taint of maliciousness. His rebellion was not the fault of god, but the result of his own free choice.*....
(606.3) 53:5.7 But this war in heaven was very terrible and very real. While displaying none of the barbarities so characteristic of physical warfare on the immature worlds, this conflict was far more deadly; material life is in jeopardy in material combat, but the war in heaven was fought in terms of life eternal.


....*we would like for you to ask yourselves the following three questions: One; what exactly was Lucifer’s transgression? Two; what was the effect on those in his care? And three; even if he ran afoul of the law unintentionally, once he realized that his actions were having a harmful effect on those in his care, did he have sufficient opportunity to recognize the error and take corrective steps?
Now we believe we have demonstrated that Lucifer did not simply err, but that he willfully and deliberately undermined the best interests of his younger siblings during the time he had been entrusted with their nurture and care. He did this in three ways: First, he denied the reality as well as the authority of the Father. Second, he betrayed the trust vested in him while challenging the authority and veracity of those who remained faithful to that trust. Finally, he actively sought to thwart Gods’ purpose with respect to the progressive development and ascendancy of human kind.
Lucifer’s technique involved a cruel, sometimes subtle deception as a means of encroaching on his fellows. Now what exactly do we mean by encroachment? The local lexicon defines the word as a gradual invasion by stealth, an infringement or an intrusion. Though this is a workable definition, in this case there is also a sophistry component that we will term “self-aggrandizement.” This latter concept describes the means whereby Lucifer’s victims become willingly self-deceived.
Some believe that unity is purchased through uniformity. Others hold that unity is only achieved at the expense of honest deliberation. And so I put these questions to you in light of these historical considerations: Was the Lucifer Rebellion quashed? No! Was any effort made to suppress? No! That’s not the way we do things here. From the start of the Lucifer rebellion it has been the policy of this government that each individual would be left free and unmolested in his or her choice.
The rebellion was permitted to run its full course. Or, as they say on the planet we are about to consider, “The dragon was loosed for awhile.” Why? Because we are dealing with a universe full of free-willed individuals who must be afforded every opportunity to make an informed, deliberate, wholehearted and final choice. Again you may ask, why? It is because the Father desires only the devotion that is voluntary and sophistry proof.*....


Lucifer and Hope:  The Story Behind the Lucifer Project
Channeled by Kathryn E May 

My twin flame and I are the soul children of Sananda and Nada, born millions of years ago, before Earth was designated as the Paradise it was to become, before humankind was created, but our parents and others of the Kumara family wished to create a close and loving tribe who would live in service to the Great Creator.  Our adopted home was on Venus, but we spent many eons traveling the Universe, incarnating in many different forms in order to experience the feelings and thoughts of various life forms in preparation for the anticipated Great Experiment, which was the opportunity to incarnate in human bodies.
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LuciferA brilliant primary Lanonandek Son who served as a loyal Sovereign over the System of Satania for 500,000 years before he decided that there was no Universal Father and made a Declaration of Liberty, contending that the local systems should be autonomous. Through pride, he convinced himself that the rebellion was for the good of the system....

(602.6) 53:2.3 No one ever suggested rebellion to Lucifer. The idea of self-assertion in opposition to the will of Michael and to the plans of the Universal Father, as they are represented in Michael, had its origin in his own mind. His relations with the Creator Son had been intimate and always cordial. At no time prior to the exaltation of his own mind did Lucifer openly express dissatisfaction about the universe administration. Notwithstanding his silence, for more than one hundred years of standard time the Union of Days on Salvington had been reflectivating to Uversa that all was not at peace in Lucifer’s mind. This information was also communicated to the Creator Son and the Constellation Fathers of Norlatiadek.

(603.5) 53:3.4 Most bitterly did he attack the right of the Ancients of Days — “foreign potentates” — to interfere in the affairs of the local systems and universes. These rulers he denounced as tyrants and usurpers.

The Story Behind the Lucifer Project
Channeled by Kathryn E May 

It was a joint effort between many species of humanoid beings – the precursors of human beings, who offered their DNA to create a being who would possess the finest qualities which they saw as their most God-like virtues and physical attributes.  In the process, many races took part in the creation of Humanity, and some liked the result so much that they adopted some of the new DNA combinations to enrich their own.  So, you see, the creation of humankind was an experiment which went on for eons, and as a result, you have many cousins across the Cosmos who carry similar DNA to your own.
   I came here to oversee and keep tabs on.  I incarnated over and over again, first in a Reptilian body to earn credibility, and then in human bodies of the 13 family bloodline as part of my infiltration into the closed and very paranoid system.  I was able to convince them, finally, that my unusual energy of Light was a clever ruse I had developed to trick humankind into doing my/our bidding.     
 They saw my actual power, the power of Light, and because of my many incarnations among them, began to see me as their ultimate leader – a dark one who was clever enough to “pass” as “one of them.”
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Our Father did not create evil although he did create the gift of free will. In so doing he created the potential for evil. Evil did not originate with Lucifer either, though we would maintain that he orchestrated a wholesale conversion of potential evil to actual evil through his persistent choice and promotion of evil.

Lucifer engaged in iniquity through a deliberate and direct assault on the organizing principle of the universes. He attacked the unifying and coordinating qualities we've come to know as truth, beauty and goodness. Where Our Father sows love, Lucifer would have us sow hatred. Where we would reap love, Lucifer would have us reap ill will. Where our rightful inheritance is family unity, Lucifer advanced chaos

The rebellion was permitted to run its full course. Or, as they say on the planet we are about to consider, "The dragon was loosed for awhile." Why? Because we are dealing with a universe full of free-willed individuals who must be afforded every opportunity to make an informed, deliberate, wholehearted and final choice. Again you may ask, why? It is because the Father desires only the devotion that is voluntary and sophistry proof.

When Lucifer turned his back on divine obligations he came to embrace a peculiar, self-motivated variation on liberty that is unintelligent, unconditioned and uncontrolled.
It is unintelligent because where basic intelligence and true liberty are progressively related to reality; Lucifer's approach ignored the inevitable consequence of building foundations on a plane of unreality

It is unconditioned because where true liberty is tempered, ever mindful and respectful of the rights of others; Lucifer's brand would invariably lead to abject bondage. Pride of self, self-deception, self-assertion, self-determination and self-motivation yield a selfish desire to crave and possess and, if left unchecked, lead to the eventual exploitation of others.
It is uncontrolled because as true liberty is the reward for progress; impatience and self-indulgence short circuit the time required for growth thereby making self-control and self-mastery ever elusive goals

               Look beyond the false pretenses of the self-proclaimed "God of Liberty" to the confusion in his wake. It is easy to understand the broad appeal of rights without responsibility, of perks without consequences.

The first three heads of the dragon, Lucifer, Satan and the so-called Devil are now in custody. Abbadon, Beelzebub and their rebel associates are still on Earth. Once again, it begs the question, why? Why would we delay the apprehension and adjudication of these and other lesser deceivers? Why not fully eradicate the demonic influence altogether for the good of the planet's general population?
Why? Because the knowledge of good and evil is not something to simply be contained once the issues have been raised.
Light dispels darkness and even when all about them is in darkness, people of faith enjoy a Great Spirit luminosity that emanates from within. They exude a light of Truth that is capable of penetrating any shroud of darkness except, perhaps, the one that is self-imposed. As the prophet said: "when the light of the eyes is darkness, how great is that darkness

 Very little was heard of Lucifer on Urantia owing to the fact that he assigned his first lieutenant, Satan, to advocate his cause on your planet. Satan was a member of the same primary group of Lanonandeks but had never functioned as a System Sovereign; he entered fully into the Lucifer insurrection. The “devil” is none other than Caligastia, the deposed Planetary Prince of Urantia and a Son of the secondary order of Lanonandeks. At the time Michael was on Urantia in the flesh, Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia were leagued together to effect the miscarriage of his bestowal mission. But they signally failed.