Deception Continues and Pics are Flying!!
EU :THE KHAZARIAN CORPORATE MAFIA SYNDICATE (KCMS) ( Banksters +CO) ) are in Controll of all EU Banking and Financial institutioms ?
andreas botsaris at Andreas Botsaris Blog - 1 month ago

*If all bad things are happening.../just pretend that everything is OK !!!* *If everything is falling apart .....just pretend that things could not be better !!* .................................................................... *Dollar Soars As ECB Begins Latest Round Of QE * *The ECB began their version of quantitative easing (QE) this week. So far, it has not been impressive. It could well be the final hurrah of the belief that QE can do anything toward creating stronger economic activity. So far, what they have succeeded in doing is crashing the Euro. * * ?Read Full ... more »
Europe : The Debt issue -The Fiscal .Waterboarding of EU Citizens.
andreas botsaris at Andreas Botsaris Blog - 2 months ago
*Fiscal Waterboarding * *Waterboarding is often described as a simulated drowning or a technique “to convince the interrogated that he or she is drowning.” There is no way to simulate the lungs filling with fluid and the victim does not need to be convinced physiologically. They are in the process of drowning.* *.............................................................................................................* * Life Taxe and the Elite* *There is a silent war within EEC.A war bettween the Neoconservatives,who represends tne big Financiers and Bankers,and controll until... more »
Austerity series : . The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey : When You do What You are told
andreas botsaris at Andreas Botsaris Blog - 2 months ago

*..*When you do it the right way*...* *** *..*When you do it as you are told*. !!* .............................................................................. *The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey * A man and his son were once going with their donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side, a countryman passed them and said: "You fools, what is a donkey for but to ride upon?" So the man put the boy on the donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said: "See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides." So... more »
Austerity - The Grateful Dead, Keep “Truckin
andreas botsaris at Andreas Botsaris Blog - 2 months ago
*Keep “Truckin* *Top Definition * keep on trucking general phrase of encouragement meaning to stay focused on a particular job or in general. "you're doing a great job,keep on trucking." by bungalow * !!!!!* *** *“Nobody in Europe will be abandoned. Nobody in Europe will be excluded. Europe only succeeds if we work together.”* – German Chancellor Angela Merkel On September 24, 2013 *...............................................................................................................* *One Trick Pony: Whipping the GDP Donkey into a Stallion* *“Sometimes the ligh... more »
EU :THE KHAZARIAN CORPORATE MAFIA SYNDICATE (KCMS) ( Banksters +CO) ) are in Controll of all EU Banking and Financial institutioms ?
andreas botsaris at Andreas Botsaris Blog - 1 month ago

*....................................................................................................................................................................* *TROIKA IS A NON FORMAL EU INSTITUTION CONSISTING FROM MENTALLY **RETARTED HIGH POST OFFICIALS in SERVICE TO THE KCMS : * *And as Warren Buffett said....* *TROIKA MEANS:NO JOBS-NO MONEY-NO HOMES!* *AND AS THE SLOVENIANS TOLD TO CROATIANS THE NEW MEMBER OF EU :WELCOME TO HELL!!!! * -..* Walking within darkness there is a risk to become one and the like* .. *WHAT IS CREATIVE OR DISTRUCTIVE.. * *THE NEW... more »
.Cowarts and The Ultimate Stupitity
andreas botsaris at Andreas Botsaris Blog - 1 month ago
[image: Top Trends Forecaster In The World Warns We Have Never Seen Anything Like This In History] .................................................................................. ................................................................................... The cowards are actors of a sopposed braveness.They sucrifice the presend by promising the future.They take everything and giving nothing except lies and deceit.The brave ones are not fighting their own people,but the enemies of their people instead!!If they are capable to identify their friends from their enemies!!........ more »
andreas botsaris at Andreas Botsaris Blog - 1 month ago

*Honesty* *Honesty* refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Furthermore, honesty means being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere. Honesty is valued in many ethnic and religious cultures.[1][2][3][4][5] "Honesty is the best policy" is a proverb of Benjamin Franklin; however, the quote "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom" is attributed to Thomas Jefferson, as used... more »
Χαρηs Γεωργιαδηs ¨Ανευθυνοτητα -Αλαζονια η Αγνοια -Συνοδοιποροs τηs Λητοτηταs του Σοιμπλερ - Νταηζελμπλουμ
andreas botsaris at Andreas Botsaris Blog - 2 months ago

*..*Μηπωs μεγαλοι οικονομολογοι -Νομπελιστεs και πρωην αξιωματουχοι τηs Αμερικανικηs κυβερνησηs,που ειναι εναντια * *στιs πολιτικεs λiτοτηταs τηs ΕΕ τηs Μερκελ,του Σοιμπλερ και τηs Τροικαs-σε βαθμο που τουs αποκαλουν ηλιθιουs-αδαειs και αλαζονεs-εχουν αδικο, και δεν μπορουν να δουν τα μεγαλα επιτευγματα τηs λητοτηταs ?!!! *..* ...................................................................................................... *Χάρη, ακόμη δεν παραιτήθηκες; * * ...*Το θέμα δεν είναι πόσο δίκαιη είναι η μάχη που δίνει η ελληνική κυβέρνηση στο Γιούρογκρουπ. Σε αυτό ο καθένας δ... more »
Super-Rich And Serfs : The “New model of Democracy.” !the Vril Society -Illuminati - :Berlin - Brussels as part of New World Order ?
andreas botsaris at Andreas Botsaris Blog - 2 months ago

*...The looting of a nation and its people is a vision for the looters,the banksters,the thiefs and the corrupted ones...not for the victims!* ******** *The Canstellation which-with the evil overlords-inspired and is still inspiring all the loonatics and freaks behind the veils with the Aryan race,and considering humans as low life beings,destined to be the servands of the chosen ones.Them * *(Aldebaran* /ælˈdɛbərən/[7][8] (α Tau, α Tauri, Alpha Tauri) *the Aryan race didn't originate from earth but from Aldebaran in Alpha Tauri - 64 light years away. Vril also convinced the DH... more »