Peace is Life,and Life..
Is Peace..
War is death...
The war on Peace, is a war against Life..
Both, against,humans life, and also against, all creation...
For Politicians, and war business..
War, is a matter, of winning, or loosing..
Usually, they never, loose everything...
People, usually, loose, everything, and many their lives!!
Supposedly, leaders, are the wise people..
The ones,with reason!!
The ones, who are committed, to protect their people, and also to avoid, lethal,threats, and destruction...
By making war, no peace,is attained, and no life is winning..
Only the silence, and the ultimate peace,in cemeteries, are the winners!!!
Your lives, are not, Barcelona, Milan,Manchester United, or Real Madrid!!
With the modern, advance, weaponry of mass destruction, there is no possibility, or winning, for both, parties involved, in the drama, which is now taking place,in the Middle East, between, Israel, and Palestinians...
By supporting, either for one,or the other party,involved, on a series of offensives,a counter offensives,and mass killing,on both sides .
We are not helping humanity, to reach peace..
We are just, fueling, the prospects, of escalation, and an unimaginable, catastrophy..
The .." Eye for an eye,is not offering, any solution ..