
Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Financial Waterboarding and The Fake Reality

The whole matrix it,s proved to be a fake one. The Financial system – Central Banks – Private Banking-Stock markets,s fake. At least for the last couple of decades.It is founded on a big fraud, and the printing of fiat money from thin air, by the corporate mafia syndicate!

The Central banks, (US – England-EU CB ), ARE OWNED by Private Corporations and are not State-owned Legal Entities.!

Anybody can imagine, how thinks can evolve if, behind the whole issue of money, you find private individuals and profit-seeking corporations, and multinational companies.

All these private entities and corporations have only one objective target. Maximizing their profits and revenue incomes. Legally or illegally. The whole issue for these entities is not ending here.

Money brings power. Power brings more money. More money brings to corruption, to the whole

financial – political system and networks.

If the core of the capitalistic crony system, is infested with the corruption virus, then the whole system is misfunctioning on a permanent basis, on a level of serious sickness, without the possibility of getting better. On the contrary, this sickness, is fast deteriorating, leading (as most experts are warning ), to the total collapse of the system, and therefore to the destruction of all socio-economic networks..

Do these people, who are the decision-makers, and are hiding behind these events, which unfolds On a global scale, are you so stupid? : Certainly, they are not stupid. They are much more than that!

They are definitely psychopaths and lunatics, motivated only by greed and lure of power,

They are self-service individuals-entities, who consider all other people, as their servants.

They are not human minded entities..Does,t matter the way they look like. They don,t know the meaning of morality or dignity, and therefore the meaning of compassion, understanding is completely unknown to them. They are also tow facet -liars-deceivers-manipulators.

Their prototype model of social deceptive behavior is based on the so-called * Creative Destruction * model, which is founded on three axes.

1. Create the problem

2. Promote the problem by all means, morally or ethically accepted or not, with respect or no respect to human life, or life itself.

3. A solution to the problem..This stage is the most openly managed by them, because this way, the opportunity is self-provided, to present themselves as the SAVIOURS, by solving the problem..

This way, they promote their plans to a higher level of their Agenda.

Waterboarding is often described as simulated drowning or a technique “to convince the interrogated that he or she is drowning.” There is no way to simulate the lungs filling with fluid and the victim does not need to be convinced physiologically. They are in the process of drowning.!!

The Great Illusion!

Global Debt has amounted to more than 220 Trillion Dollars!!!!
1. Derivatives market and the 179 trillion dollars, the Us Banks are exposed

2. As of today the total public debt of all nations on earth is US$ 39.5 Trillion and counting according to The Economist website. This means that this planet owes that much, if not more, to itself. The question to be asked is, how does it happen that Earth owes something to itself when all it does is rotate upon its axis and revolve around the sun? Did this planet borrow some hard currency from planets Mars or Venus to sustain itself? Or is this planet being made to pay for its exclusive orbital franchise?

The people that sought absolute control over us do not belong to a single race, but is a group of multiracial interests forged through a common bond of greed and lust for power.

Life Taxe and the Elite
There is a silent war within EEC. A war between the Neoconservatives, who represents tne big Financiers and Bankers, and control until now the decision making, either Economically or politically, and the EU VISION Keepers. The last ones, inspired by the vision of the founders of EEC, AND HAVE ON THEIR SIDE the citizens of Europe, and the common interests of a United Europe, they try to redefine the economic and political objective targets of all Europe, for the benefit of all Europian citizens, peace and prosperity.

It is their chance to write history in the NOW. Because history is not for the fearful ones. But for the Fearless!! Regarding the Neocons, who lead EU THE LAST DECADE , on the crαsps of economic and political destruction, they should be aware that they should pay for their deets.

The Great Deception

The Big Lie

The economic-financial system has, supposedly, established, to assist and service human beings to evolve. To explore their capabilities and potentials the maximum possible. Not the other way round.

The system has to be in service to the people, and not the people service-sacrifice to the system, which in this stage of cannibalistic capitalism, serves only 1%. The global elite.!

The global elite is trying to establish, through deception-manipulation-brainwash, that if people get poorer and starved, is not going to die – like in the story of Hotzatt,s donkey-but is producing gold coins instead!! Having in mind, that during a recession and financial collapse, all the wealth goes at the top of the pyramid -to the elite-certainly they are 100% right.!!!!