
Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Book Is About To Close On The ,,,,,


We live at a time when “evil” is called “good” and “good” is called “evil”, and just about every form of human degradation that you can possibly imagine is absolutely exploding in our society

I am not in the habit of talking about Hollywood movies, but I believe that “Joker” may be a perfect movie for such a time as this, because ultimately the character so brilliantly portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix is a clear reflection of where our entire society is at this point.

In the movie, the Joker doesn’t really believe in anyone or anything. His entire existence is focused on himself and his own pain, and anything that makes him happy is justified no matter what it may mean for others.

“Joker is the godless god you spoiled losers worship; a sociopath who believes in nothing, who wants to burn down society because he’s not happy all the time — your leader is Madness, Anarchy, Intolerance, Jealousy, Envy, Bigotry, and Hate.”

We are deeply obsessed with ourselves, but we are seething with hate toward others. We are always wanting more of everything, but no matter how much we get it is never enough. Americans are unhappier than they have ever been before, and “deaths of despair” are at an all-time high.

And what do we do with our sociopaths?

We send them to Washington to represent us.

The book is about to close on the late great United States of America, but most Americans have absolutely no idea that this is about to happen.
