
Sunday, May 19, 2019


On the political arena, there are two types of politicians.
1.The non-carrier politicians, or the leaders of populist movements. Their power is the power of the people, their supporters, their followers. They usually mean what they say, and their
sayings, are in line with their actions. They want to change things for the benefit of their people, supporters or not. They do not accept any false authority or power, which is not serving mutual interests. 

2.The carrier politicians, or political actors. They usually say one thing, with different meanings or interpretations. What finally they are doing, has nothing to do, with their sayings or any of the interpretations !!
Their power are their donors, sponsors, and other  lobbyists, agents of secret societies
and organized financial interests.
Usually, they are subject to any kind of blackmail or threat.!!


A non-carrier politician. He is doing what is promising to do, and his sayings are not subject
to any kind of interpretations. He is not of a kind, either to be blackmail or to be threatened.
As Interior Minister, he started a campaign against mafia syndicates and family bosses, in
Rome. He put many of them in jail, seized many luxury villas and apartments, and gave
these to poor, homeless people.
He is suggesting the control of central banks, by the States governments, and not the EU
Central Bank.
Salvini himself, and others of his MPs, they accused the EU institutions, for unbelievable and unacceptable cruelty, against the greek and Cyprus people during the staged banking crisis.
Also for the staged immigration problem in the EU, because of the Syrian and Lybian war,
he said in one of his speeches, to EU leadership...
....Either you got a lot of money from somewhere, or you are total idiots, or you don,t know what you are doing.!!
Finally, he is faithful to his people.


It,s not for us to write or rewrite, the political story of Pr.Anastasiades.His claimed accomplishments, or accused failures.Only facts.
He promised not to accept the bail-in,[ imposed nowhere else ]. He did it.
He promised that nobody is going to lose his money. Thousands of families lost not only their money, but their business, their jobs, and their income. Middle class, mostly his supporters and followers, disappeared from the map.
He promised that no-one is going to lose his family home. He provided legal coverage and gave the instruments to the banks, with the approved law and respective regulations of July sell anything to anybody, anywhere.
Many years ago the slogan of the politicians, in respect of the Cyprus problem was :
...All refugees, have the right to go back to their homes.
Now, some people of his party, are officially suggesting, that Cypriots has to abandon,
their obsession, to have their own house. [MP Mr.Mavrides].
For his supporters and the people who voted for his election, a big question or two arises.:
We voted for him the first time. We lost our money, our business, our income!
We voted for him the 2nd time. We are going to lose our homes.
If we vote for you, the third time, or somebody from your party...
Are you going to put us in line and shoot us in the head?
An honest reply is needed !!!!