
Monday, May 20, 2019

THE ART OF WAR : Dirty Evil Secrets : The Art of Human COMPROMISE.

“Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” Luke 12:3
Enormous, untapped power exists for any entity that has the means for deep and total spying capability to uncover the secrets of the members of the Ruling Cabal and its hierarchy (aka the Establishment) and a willingness to make certain all these secret sins and abject evil is disclosed to the masses.

..The Internet is now greatly feared by the Establishment for its power to evoke the Moral Density of the masses which can then neutralize their power base and status. They have ordered the owners and controllers of the social media to begin extensive censorship to neutralize all these disclosures and the new spontaneous populism. These efforts include absurd differentially enforced rules for publishing, de-monetization, and “shadow masking”.

Dirty Evil SecretsThe Pattern of Entrapment - Compromise
Art of Human Compromise

Human Compromise (human Intelligence, “Humint”) is the fine art of entrapping a targeted individual in highly anti-social and often seriously criminal behavior or by bribing them with money or other secret enticements.
When the targeted individual (usually an up and coming politician, government official, or rising corporate or church leader) is successfully entrapped (compromised), they have essentially given up control of their life to the party that entrapped them.
In most cases, the party entrapping the mark provides such great rewards in line with the mark’s desires, that the mark remains satisfied while they lose their very soul.

Silver or Lead, what will it be?:
As John Perkins claimed in his best-selling book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, many prominent foreign politicians are approached by Banking or governmental agents and given a choice: “silver or lead”.
If the mark accepts the offer to do something for money, he gets the money, does not get assassinated, and entraps his nation in what are usually great deals for the International Bankers and large corporations, and bad deals for his country.
If a dictator refuses to take the silver and the assassinations attempts against him fail, then war is waged against that nations, based on a phony or contrived reason, often a staged false-flag attack blamed on that targeted nation.

The Major Mass Media are controlled by the Cabal using Human Compromise:
Because the entities who have compromised those that control the Major Mass Media, they are able to retain an iron grip of control over the mainstream media through the high government officials and media owners they have compromised.
When the folks who run all these evil human compromise ops control the Major Mass Media, the courts, the police, and the govt, this prevents the public from finding out. That pretty much keeps the perps crimes covered up.

A new form of world power is now emerging!:

The wild card here now is the worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press. For the first time, millions of the masses all over the world are being exposed to real information about these crimes from actual victims and witnesses, with many witnesses coming from easily documentable pasts with an ironclad, witnesses accounts that withstand any establishment denials.

The Internet is now greatly feared by the Establishment for its power to evoke the Moral Density of the masses which can then neutralize their power base and status. They have ordered the owners and controllers of the social media to begin extensive censorship to neutralize all these disclosures and the new spontaneous populism. These efforts include absurd differentially enforced rules for publishing, de-monetization, and “shadow masking”.

It is too early to tell how successful this current Internet exposure of the secret sins of the super-elites running the Cabal and the USG will be. It may be that the genie is out of the bottle and this powerful populism that has emerged from the Internet cannot be stopped long term.

The Internet has truly set off an information revolution that is resulting in the massive exposure of all the secrets of government and the Cabal. It is likely that in due time there will be very few secrets of their secrets left that have not been publicized to the masses.