
Friday, March 22, 2019


THE creators of negativity and IMBALANCE
are the main source of evil.
Hands up is not and never was the solution
For any individual or the collective.
The response in a symmetrical way is the required action to confront the creators of
negativity in order to avoid the prevailing
of evil and your enslavement to the darkness and its network of oppression.
Nobody is born as partly slave or partly free.Either you accept the idea that you are
a free man or that you are born as slave
to somebody else,whoever  this person is...
a politician a syndicate or a cartel.
Freedom was never the outcome of slavery
or the result of of oppression.
Freedom is the result of confrontation with
the powers of oppression and injustice .
THE meaning of confrontation is not necessarily the use of violence or actions
of war.It is a matter of interpretation and
assessment or evaluation of the existing or prevailing conditions and circumstances.
Falling in knees in frond of the beast in no way can bring back balance and harmony
or can set anybody free.
It is the prescription of attaining the ultimate slavery and the prevailing of evil.
Justice is not the one,s opinion- a president
a party leader or any relative network .
Justice is what the public considers as fair
and justice is the source of social and financial balance and stability.
Any other prevailing ideas are meaningless
and should be considered  as FASCISM having nothing to do with DEMOCRACY.