-------- Αρχικό μήνυμα --------
Από: Circle of Light
Θέμα: Because the heart moves you beyond the limited perception of the little mind,

Because the heart moves you beyond the limited perception of the little mind, the personality, the ego, then every movement of your life is an awakeni
| Because the heart moves you beyond the limited perception of the little mind, the personality, the ego, then every movement of your life is an awakening of Love experiencing itself as both the Alpha, the Omega, the Whole of God and the expression of God as individual. Both of these fill your experience in the holy and endless Now Moment. It is only the little mind that makes the distinction between this glory of Love's expression as the whole and as the outreach, the movement of Love, of God I Am appearing in each of its unique facets, appearing as you. Both of these are present continually as you experience life as the heart of God. Each movement of Love is an encounter of resonance and each encounter is completely unique. Yet, each one is fully part of the whole which your heart shall always experience. So what I want to say to you in this moment of our communion is to invite you into a new exploration of the experience of life experienced here as your own unique facet engaging with the Reality of Love, with God I Am appearing here and now in everything that your heart encounters. | | | |