,,No system can servive if those forces with the task to protect its functioning are transformed to parasites of corruption motivated only by greed and lure of power.,,,M.Keravnos ( ex minister of Finance)....Free translation!).
Any system is a creation of the mind.Human,s mind.Any system supposedly is created and destined to serve the people,s mental and spiritual needs and desires on this plane of existence.
All people,s interests ....To assist human beings on the path of their evolution.
This path is the Alfa and omega of our life
during our presence here.For everyone.
No system is functioning if the goal or purpose is not man..If the system is not serving its values of creation,but on the way is transformed to a monster which
is destroying instead of having positive
results .
The responsibility of this unfortunate
outcome lies within the minds and consciousness of those who have the authority and the power to run and protect the system from any intrusion or hijack.
The very tragic of this situation is not that there are any outside intrutors or hijackers. The hijacking and betrayal is proved to be
From within.
This is the ultimate sort of betrayal. Because the enemy is from within.