
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

ECONOMY : Truth, : The ultimate secret weapon against the Khazarian Mafia - Banksters - Rochild Syndicate ?

By Preston James, Ph.D
on January 24, 2016

Putin’sTruth, the ultimate secret weapon against the Khazarian Mafia?


During the last 100 years, the world has been overtaken by the largest organized crime syndicate that has ever existed: the Khazarian Mafia (KM). This KM worldwide crime syndicate is a well-organized hierarchy that is evil to the core.
A small collection of two-faced liars form its evil core and run most Western governments, and are controlled by several demon-infested, near to death, wrinkled-up old men who sit at the top of its hierarchy — a pyramid of ultimate evil power that functions as the world’s largest parasite on humanity.
This KM Hierarchy is run by a collection of the world’s biggest two-faced liars and criminally insane sociopaths, whom the KM has promoted into the highest positions of all the largest governments.

When they have reached the higher steps in this hierarchy, we know these recruits then must participate in occult rituals which are incredibly evil. These rituals extract what is left of their souls and replace it with an entity, a cosmic parasite to which they became “hived”. This explains their abject loyalty to the few top leaders of the KM Hierarchy.

In order to best understand what the World is dealing with, is it best to look at this powerful dark side influence as a human parasite?

Do these leaders who have become criminal sociopaths and evil to the core function as though they have lost their ability to be human, or to function as normal humans? And were they perhaps born different than most — maybe already infected with a bloodline gene that makes them un-human and inhuman too?

Truth appears to be the ultimate Psyops against this KM evil, and it looks like the leaders of the Russian Federation have figured this out and are now deploying it in spades.
And we now know for certain that ISIS secretly stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, and is a large KM mercenary force run by Israel and paid for by the USG and Saudi Arabia, and supported by Turkey and NATO.
The same folks who are responsible for ISIS are also responsible for the staged Ukrainian coup d’état and the placement of the puppet Poroshenko as the Ukrainian KM/Zio-run dictator, with the ultimate goal of creating a new Israeli homeland to replace Israel, which they now know is doomed to be returned to the Palestinians.
The reason Israel is now doomed, because they have now been exposed for being responsible for the attack on America of 9-11-01 and their evil abuse, tyranny, land-theft and mass-murder of Palestinians and Apartheid against them is now turning the world against Israel.

As you trace back the money and control for ISIS, it will lead to the Kagans, the Institute for the Study of War, and the American Enterprise Institute, funded by the Kochs and other Zios and fully under the control of the KM.
It will lead ISIS being financed by large Wall Street Banks using funds provided by oil ISIS has stolen. This stolen oil is transported through Turkey who gets a large cut, then shipped to Israel at a large discount.
This revenue from stolen oil along with KM opium profits, sex trafficking profits and human organ trafficking profits (taken involuntarily of course) provides the money needed to keep the oil derivatives afloat, at least for the time being

Many of the World’s leaders are now awakening from their KM spell and is working with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China to build strong financial and economic firewalls against the US Petro Dollar which is the building block of the KM’s World Hegemony.

Even the top European leaders who have been victims of this KM parasite (whatever it is) have now become bifurcated. Take the case of Angela Merkel (Hitler’s alleged daughter) who has been a loyal KM agent and quickly accepted their will to bring in many thousands of Mideast immigrants which is 100% contrary to the will of the German People.

The obvious answer is that ISIS is run at the top by a KM retired American General aided and abetted by Senator John McCain, head of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a host of KM related puppet organizations that control the USG, the Congress and much of the Pentagon. These are the PNACers and top NeoCons who seem to have lost their vesouls a long time ago if they ever head one at all.

This revenue from stolen oil along with KM opium profits, sex trafficking profits and human organ trafficking profits (taken involuntarily of course) provides the money needed to keep the oil derivatives afloat, at least for the time being.
And if you want to dig deep enough all roads lead to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) set up in 1934 and used as a KM slush fund to receive drug trafficking profits and other criminal profits and to dispense vast sums for supporting terrorism and civil wars, coup d’états and revolutions around the World to keep the KM in power everywhere.

Is this the ISIS
 chain of command?

Is this the ISIS chain of command?

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