
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

ECONOMY :Judgment for the evil World Rulers,Bankers,Corporates, infiltrators is on the way

Judgment for the evil World Rulers, infiltrators  is on the way.


..*We should expect that  judgement is well on its way, and the days of supremacy for the Third Force( EVIL ) here on Earth and its chieftains, kingpins, cutouts, and RKM are coming to an end. As in the past, the alien agenda will be stopped cold, and those who are gladly part of it will be destroyed.
Remember this — if the masses resist in a certain percentage, believed to be a mere 12%, the alien agenda cannot advance no matter what. It can be stopped cold. Psi-power can be deployed against them, and if done in mass will be incredibly powerful.*..

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Much of the World is now secretly turning against the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and their main action agent Israel which has infiltrated and hijacked America.

By Preston James, Ph.D

on April 19, 2015

...*These top KM monsters have enjoyed an ongoing inter-generational ability to fool everyone around them, while they secretly participate in evil group acts and secret human sacrifice rituals, harboring sinister plans to destroy every society on Earth.
They are now attempting to activate an age-old Babylonian Talmudic plan to destroy all societies, create hell on Earth, and mass-murder 90% of all humans, whom they secretly refer to as Goyim (cattle).

And we can assume from the current state of affairs in the world, that these monsters, known as Rothschild KM chieftains and kingpins have been making serious progress toward their age-old plan.
We know for sure that the Rothschild KM chieftains and kingpins have been empowered by their use of Fiat counterfeit money, which they manufacture, distribute and lend to a captive populace at pernicious usury in order to produce debt-slavery.*...


....*Most of the Nations of the World have decided to slowly and methodically extricate themselves from the control of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and the US Petro Dollar as the World Reserve Currency.
That is why they have set up the BRICS New Development Bank and made Vladymir Putin its first Director.
These nations all now realize that Israel is a Nuclear Terror State with a large arsenal of nukes, many already pre-planted in Israeli embassies and Synagogues around the World, ready to deploy and detonate. They know that Israel has often used its Samson Option as a threat to blackmail nations leaders to get what it wants. they also realize that Israel has been willing to sell nukes to any nation that supports them, and some have secretly obtained them from Israel.
These advisory groups involving most large nations of the World now view terrorism in general not as an Islamic problem but as the covert crimes of the World largest Organized Crime Syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia and Israel.
Some of these secret high level  discussions have involved more than one inter-nation advisory group which was previously set up to deal with Alien ETs and UFOs and also discusses major security issues affecting the whole World.
The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) is now secretly considered by most nations of the World to be the World’s Number One biggest Security Problem and the reason so many nations have been exposed to covert attempts to destabilize them with terrorism, staged coup d ‘etats, and color revolutions. The whole World is now turning against Israel and considers it a criminal Nuclear Terror State, a major mass-murderer, the originator of almost every war, *......
In almost every major nation of the World during the last three months including America, a series of secret high level advisory meetings have been held between certain select top active and retired Military and Intel officials to discuss certain hard realities about infiltration and espionage by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and its main action-agent Israel.
This endemic infiltration and espionage against most nations of the World has now become an issue after the historic disclosure by Gordon Duff and the Veterans Today top Directors at the Damascus Conference in December 2014.
This Israeli espionage on behalf of  the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters has been known for years by most top Military and Intel, but was not considered a key issue because many at that level were either bribed and bought-off, owned, blackmailed or actually part of the Israeli covert espionage front system.
A new focus has arisen toward the covert espionage fronts of Israel in America, especially among some certain top active and former US military and Intel who are dedicated and hardcore America-firsters who learned that Israel nuked America on 9-11-01.

These folks now realize that the US Money manufacturing and Distribution been infiltrated and hijacked Unconstitutionally by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and is destroying the American economy at many levels. They also now realize that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and the Israelis have been using Samson Option Nuclear Blackmail, trafficking in nukes stolen from America, and destabilizing the World with staged Gladio-style False-flag terror.
They realize that the Federal Reserve System must be abolished after declaring it an Organized Crime RICO Crime Syndicate. It must be 100% audited and all its buildings and assets seized, and every single dollar of pernicious usury “clawed-back”. And a real US Central Bank owned by We The People which issues real money based on Gold, Silver and Commodities and charges us no interest for using our own money must be immediately instituted.
They also realize that Israel attacked America on 9-11-01 using nukes and this has led many to believe that unless Israel is stopped in its nuclear terror and trafficking of nuclear Pits from America all around the World, there will be a future WW3 set off by the Israelis which will involve nukes being detonated all over the World, destroying all societies and most of mankind which seems to now be realized to be the central part of Israel’s strange anti-society and anti-human agenda.
They also realize that the whole US Congress has also been infiltrated and hijacked by Israeli espionage fronts like AIPAC, JINSA, the ADL and the like as well as most of the USG, the Alphabets and American Law Enforcement including most local Police Departments which have been trained to treat Americans as evil domestic terrorists by the ADL.
These folks also now realize that this Israeli infiltration and hijacking of America has produced an American Police that no longer “Protect and Serve” their communities, but “Occupy and Oppress” and “tyrannize and  murder” on behalf of the ADL and Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens which have infiltrated so many positions in the USG and Congress.

Because so many American institutions of government have been so deeply infiltrated by Israeli espionage groups and because the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters have also so deeply infiltrated American Financial Institutions and set up their own News Cartel which is run by six Cutouts, it is now realized that any successful efforts to expose and drive out these KM and Israeli enemies within our gates must be accomplished by very sophisticated covert means and the ganging up of most nations of the World against Israel. Of course this has become the normative motivation in the highest councils of many nations since Israel has been exposed for its nuclear terror on 9-11-01 and in other nations, as well as its nuclear proliferation and sale of nukes all over the World.
And some of these sophisticated covert operations have actually  been already deployed, with many more now on the way all over the World.
It is now recognized that America has been infiltrated and hijacked to the degree that it is functioning as a Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Vassal State and Israeli Occupied Territory.
Here is some hard evidence supporting this quite serious claim that America is functioning as a KM Vassal State and Israeli occupied territory.


The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia must be completely decapitated from its elastic, unending supply of Counterfeit Fiat “money” in order to defeat them and their main action-agent Israeli and Bibi Netanyahu and his criminal Likudists.
Until the criminal Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and Israeli money supply is cut off from their “owned” elected officials, there is no way that the US Congress can be cleaned up and as long as Congress ifs fully corrupt, the American judiciary and LE systems will remain corrupt too. All of this endemic LE and Justice Department corruption is due to the influence of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and the infiltration of the Israelis.

Israeli Nuclear Blackmail was used to produce Homeland Security, Israel’s own Secret Police Occupation army inside America.
It is also now realized that Israel used Nuclear Blackmail to set up Homeland Security as their own personal Secret Police internal Occupation Army inside America, designed to be used to tyrannize and oppress Americans and transform America into GAZA II, the World’s largest open air prison camp and make Americans the New Palestinians to be herded like cattle and then progressively mas-murdered
These secret discussions in many nations of the World are not the first that have occurred in regard to the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters.
These are not the first secret high level Policy discussions that have been occurring in many nations around the World that have been concerned with the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Moneychangers.
We know now for certain that serious secret discussions about how to break free from the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters’ money-monopoly have occurred since the 2007 American based recession which has dragged down most of the World with it.
These secret discussion have been concerned with how these nations can extricate themselves from the evil web of financial fraud and ruin of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia World Counterfeiting System which charges pernicious usury for using what should be everyone’s own money, not theirs.
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