
Monday, January 11, 2016


If you perceive Cosmos and Life as a coincidence,then you see yourself also as a time - space coincidence!A product of no certain cause-motive or intension,.a result of many non-conditioned conditions,or the lacking of many conditioned conditions!A child of nobody,coming from nowhere and going nowhere.!
The same parallel  mind conceptual construct exists,-may be not at the same level of perception-for either the atheists or the ones living in separation.They both lives in -more or less -darkness,having no idea  or knowlege,about their devine origin.There must be a defference in perception and awareness with the two parties.An atheist ,he may still be in condact with his own conciousness,and therefore he is capable to perceive what is good or evil,and so he can think or act accordingly.It is a matter of time,based on cercumstances,to find his path,and descover his devine identity.From knowledge to awareness,to wisdom and mastership!
This process or evolutionary pattern,does not exists with the ones
living in darkness by intention.These intities,are usally self-dillusioned personalities.Manipulators-deceivers,service to self,
motivated only by greed and lure of power-dominion.
Due to the fact ,that their personalities are for long-long time exposed to fraudulend perposes,they end to be completely deranged personalities ...meaning :Sychopaths-loonatics-criminals-murteress-conspirators-theives-liers .
These deranged personalities,in no way,can find the way back
to their self-origin,or to make condact with their own conciousness,and therefore to perceive what is good or evil.

Evil, in a general context, is the absence or opposite of that which is ascribed as being good. Often, evil is used to denote profound
immorality.[1] In certain religious contexts, evil has been described as a supernatural force.[1] Definitions of evil vary, as does the analysis of its motives.[2] However, elements that are commonly associated with evil involve unbalanced behavior involving expediency, selfishness, ignorance, or neglect.[3]

In cultures with an Abrahamic religious influence, evil is usually perceived as the dualistic antagonistic opposite of good, in which good should prevail and evil should be defeated.[4] In cultures with Buddhist spiritual influence, both good and evil are perceived as part of an antagonistic duality that itself must be overcome through achieving Śūnyatā meaning emptiness in the sense of recognition of good and evil being two opposing principles but not a reality, emptying the duality of them, and achieving a oneness.[4]

The philosophical question of whether morality is absolute, relative, or illusory leads to questions about the nature of evil, with views falling into one of four opposed camps: moral absolutism, amoralism, moral relativism, and moral universalism
Benedict de Spinoza states

1. By good, I understand that which we certainly know is useful to us.
2. By evil, on the contrary I understand that which we certainly know hinders us from possessing anything that is good.

Spinoza assumes a quasi-mathematical style and states these further propositions which he purports to prove or demonstrate from the above definitions in part IV of his Ethics :[9]
 "Knowledge of good or evil is nothing but affect of joy or sorrow in so far as we are conscious of it."
 "Nothing can be evil through that which it possesses in common with our nature, but in so far as a thing is evil to us it is contrary to us."
 "The knowledge of evil is inadequate knowledge."
"Hence it follows that if the human mind had none but adequate ideas, it would form no notion of evil."
 "According to the guidance of reason, of two things which are good, we shall follow the greater good, and of two evils, follow the less."
 "If men were born free, they would form no conception of good and evil so long as they were free."
edit]Friedrich Nietzsche, in a rejection of the Judeo-Christian morality, addresses this in two works Beyond Good and Evil and On the Genealogy of Morals where he essentially says that the natural functional non-good has been socially transformed into the religious concept of evil by the slave mentality of the weak and oppressed masses who resent their masters (the strong).

. Zarathustra was the first to consider the fight of good and evil the very wheel in the machinery of things: the transposition of morality into the metaphysical realm, as a force, cause, and end in itself,