
Sunday, January 10, 2016


You are in the dawn of this progression; the wind of change is stirring uneasily in many breasts, in people who are usually confident and optimistic. They will feel as if they are losing their grip, as if the carpet is being pulled from under their feet, as if they have no reason for continuing, as if they are facing a void. This is NOT A PRELUDE TO DEATH, dear ones, but a PRELUDE TO SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION AND SPIRITUAL REBIRTH...

How to stop the rug pulled out from under your feet



Through Rosie, 7th January 2016

To all those on earth at this present time, a message for you.

As foretold, a great surge of change is gradually encompassing your lives with the result that NO STONE WILL BE LEFT UNTOUCHED.

You may feel that you are caught in circumstances which you cannot control. That these circumstances are of your own making, hearkening back to centuries of misdirection and deliberate manipulation, is important to recognise, yet even more important is to decide HOW TO REACT NOW, for indeed you do have a choice in the matter.

You can continue if you so desire, to let yourselves be pushed into a corner until the very last of your life’s blood is squeezed out of you. You may avoid important issues. You may opt to flee in the face of devastation. You may hide or deny that nothing is different from the way it has always been. In this you would be right: IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN A WORLD OF GREAT CORRUPTION, PERPETRATED BY EVIL DOOERS. The difference is that this is now RISING TO THE SURFACE FOR ALL TO SEE, INCLUDING YOU.

Should you continue to keep your eyes well sealed, the shock you encounter when those eyes are forcibly opened may be too much to bear. We advise a piecing stare which looks with great scrutiny at EVERYTHING which lies in your path. We also advise GREAT HONESTY when facing this – honesty about your feelings of fear, shame, incredulity or sadness. We also advise trying to dampen the emotional side somewhat so that you are still capable of going into action and helping others.

What does all this mean? What stage are you at globally? This is a time of UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, a time of GREAT SPRITUAL REBIRTH. You will notice that much of that in which you have placed your hopes and trust – much of it material possessions or wealth – will no longer be standing. For this to fall means that spiritual growth is programmed to take place as a result. You will rise as new beings with new values, attempting to stem the flow of damage, attempting to comfort those in despair, and attempting to construct that which seems irreparably broken.

You are in the dawn of this progression; the wind of change is stirring uneasily in many breasts, in people who are usually confident and optimistic. They will feel as if they are losing their grip, as if the carpet is being pulled from under their feet, as if they have no reason for continuing, as if they are facing a void. This is NOT A PRELUDE TO DEATH, dear ones, but a PRELUDE TO SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION AND SPIRITUAL REBIRTH.

The sinking to great depths is a necessary preliminary procedure for RISING TO GREAT HEIGHTS, and this will be accompanied by feelings of insecurity and loss. To let go and welcome the new is the key to this process, and in the future you will be able to look back on this time as a period of epic transformation in your ways of thinking. As always, your thoughts and actions form your world – every last one. So we urge you as great creators to exercise your minds so that they approach every subject with a razor-sharp edge. Thus will you separate the lies from the truths. Thus will you pave the path to prosperity and abundance. Thus will you discover your divine selves and your connection to all. We bless you during these times of great upheaval. Seraphin.

Link to Seraphin website (Older messages):