Dear Ones it is time to remember that you are free. Only fear keeps you on your knees and under the control of others and under the control of money. So Dear Ones, what wonderful story will you write in your book of life today? Will you be the hero/heroine? Will you be the noble and kind soul, will you be filled with Love and move through your day in the wonder of Creation? Will you allow the Universe to show you the magic of its intricately woven genius that will unfold before you as you walk through life? Will you be the kind face and the smiling eyes that will make someone's day? Will you perform some random act of kindness on an unsuspecting loved one or complete stranger?
Dear Ones, a life of excitement and adventure, of fairytales and romance is waiting for you. Do not allow another to write your story, it is yours and you are free to be whoever you want to be. Dare to be the magnificent Creator Beings you are with all the Love, Wisdom and Power of God and Heaven on Earth will be yours. This is my promise to you. I AM Lord Emanuel and I am watching your epic adventure unfold, my brave warriors of Light. I AM with you with every breath you take.