Marine Le Pen's party platform ..
her oratorial bombast and watching
her kick Angela Merkel's butt - and
those of the unelected EU
technocrats who are on the US
State Department's "unofficial
Here, she blasts how the EU
maintains itself "With blackmail,
threats and intimidation...Your
model is to become a servant of
the USA, austerity, disloyal
competition, mass spying on
citizens, 'social dumping',
migratory submersion.
maintains itself "With blackmail,
threats and intimidation...Your
model is to become a servant of
the USA, austerity, disloyal
competition, mass spying on
citizens, 'social dumping',
migratory submersion.
"I represent another model that
unites Europe's people. One of
independence, of a Europe of
nations in a multipolar world, of
intelligent protectionism, of
individual liberties...some will
call me the 'Anti-Merkel'. I accept
that label with honor. I don't
acknowledge you, Madam Merkel!
unites Europe's people. One of
independence, of a Europe of
nations in a multipolar world, of
intelligent protectionism, of
individual liberties...some will
call me the 'Anti-Merkel'. I accept
that label with honor. I don't
acknowledge you, Madam Merkel!
"The 'right of self-determination',
is a ridiculous attempt at the
German domination of Europe.
The defense of German interests
does not justify the vassalization
of the other peoples of Europe. I
am the voice of sovereign
Europeans. They thirst for the
freedom of their nations. I
represent the French people, who
have turned their backs on you,
Mr. Hollande, the same way they
turned their backs on Sarkozy
because they thirst for a France
that's free!"
is a ridiculous attempt at the
German domination of Europe.
The defense of German interests
does not justify the vassalization
of the other peoples of Europe. I
am the voice of sovereign
Europeans. They thirst for the
freedom of their nations. I
represent the French people, who
have turned their backs on you,
Mr. Hollande, the same way they
turned their backs on Sarkozy
because they thirst for a France
that's free!"
Video: (2 mins):
Marine Le Pen Savages Merkel, to Her Face in EU Parliament