Celente – $15 Trillion Wiped Out In Global Rout But Here’s The Elites’ Secret Plan To Really Screw The Public
Staggering $15 Trillion Wiped Out In Global Collapse
Gerald Celente: “It already is. It’s bringing countries like Venezuela, Brazil, Congo and South Africa to their knees (a staggering $15 trillion has been wiped out in the global equity collapse so far). There is one currency after another collapsing….
Gerald Celente: “It already is. It’s bringing countries like Venezuela, Brazil, Congo and South Africa to their knees (a staggering $15 trillion has been wiped out in the global equity collapse so far). There is one currency after another collapsing….
The Elites’ Secret Plan To Really Screw The Public Let’s get real with this. By every indicator, quantitative easing doesn’t do it anymore. That game is over. But they are going to sucker the public back into the markets and they are also going to wipe out the (public’s) shorts first (before the next leg of this global collapse begins). To continue listening to Gerald Celente’s remarkable interview providing action plans and strategies on how to survive and thrive during this collapse, how deep the panic will strike, who will suffer the most, how to avoid the economic catastrophe and turbulence, you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.