The earth is enshrouded in the great protective cover
of Heaven and this membrane of Love guarantees the
completion of all processes of the ascension, which are
still outstanding.
Light realms and Light entities have positioned themselves
around the earth and on earth...
The protection, which you partake of, is comprehensive and
impenetrable; may come what will, may happen what must
happen or will happen, what since the existence of this world
builds up and looms closer.
Energies of unimaginable extent wait to appear and to be discharged. And in the meantime the Light entities remain unharmed, because due to their inner Light they are bound to a higher vibration field.
Whose heart is pure and whose soul is redeemed, his life
occurs on a different level than on the one where the
discharges appear, will still appear and must appear.
Heaven and earth, light warriors from the subtle and physical
world together go through this time and our power of Love
keeps the world in kilter and brings all human Beings to
their designated place.
I am amongst you
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