November 17, 2015
— Jim Rickards, Financial Crises Advisor to the CIA and Pentagon
Dear Contra Corner Reader,
Please take a moment to review the special message below from financial guru, Jim Rickards -- courtesy of our partners at Agora Financial. They help us keep Contra Corner up-to-date and free for you to read. I urge you to check out this message right away.
This is the biggest accounting hoax since Enron...
In 1977, before most of today’s Wall Street analysts were even born, I was doing complex tax and accounting work at Citibank.
One that could wipe out millions of Americans.
The fallout will be 525 times bigger than Enron, and is sure to affect all American citizens -- no matter where you live, what you do for a living or how much money you have.
The mainstream media could uncover this deception anytime now.
Once you hear this story on the evening news, it will be too late for anyone to act.
Which is why I’ve put together a four-step plan to prepare for the coming chaos.
I hope you won’t be a victim of this accounting scandal.
Jim Rickards
The Biggest Accounting
Hoax Since Enron
“…the fallout will be 525 times bigger than Enron and is sure to affect all
American citizens – no matter where you live, what you do for a living,
or how much money you have.
Once the mainstream media uncovers this deception (possibly in the next
six months), it will be too late for anyone to act. Here’re the four steps
you need to take to prepare for the coming chaos…”
— Jim Rickards, Financial Crises Advisor to the CIA and Pentagon
American citizens – no matter where you live, what you do for a living,
or how much money you have.
Once the mainstream media uncovers this deception (possibly in the next
six months), it will be too late for anyone to act. Here’re the four steps
you need to take to prepare for the coming chaos…”
— Jim Rickards, Financial Crises Advisor to the CIA and Pentagon
In late 2000, Charles Pearse, 63, retired a millionaire.
Just a few months later he was flat broke.
With a portfolio worth $1.3 million, he thought he would spend his golden years relaxing on a beach, playing golf with his friends, and traveling around the world.
But when his company Enron went bust, his retirement fund went from $1.3 million to $13,000… in a little more than a year.
It took him 33 years to save all that money.
But in the blink of an eye, he lost everything.
His retirement dreams were crushed. And now he’s trying to survive on a ridiculous $1,800 monthly Social Security check.
His story is not unique.
When Enron collapsed in 2001, more than 20,000 employees were thrown out on the streets.
Thousands of investors and employees were wiped out when shares dropped from $90 to $0.

Now, imagine the same type of financial catastrophe happening not just to the employees of one specific company… but all across America.
Hi, Jim Rickards here. I’m the financial threat advisor the government turns to when it needs help.
And during my most recent work with the Pentagon, CIA and Department of Defense, I uncovered another Enron type of scandal…
An accounting hoax so big that it could lead to the next major financial crisis in America.I expect the fallout to reach $31.5 trillion… which is 525 times bigger than Enron.
And this time, it’s not just employees and investors of a specific company who are in danger…
All 300 million American citizens are a potential victim of the accounting hoax I’ll reveal today.
- If you have money parked in a savings account, CD, or even government bonds… you’ll be affected.
- If you have a 401(k) or IRA, you’ll be affected.
- If you own real estate, stocks, or any other asset denominated in U.S. dollars, you’ll be affected.
Much like 9/11, or the day JFK was shot, you’ll remember where you were and what you were doing when this news finally hits the mainstream.
Millions will be caught off guard.
They will lose everything virtually overnight… just like Enron employees did.
Because this hoax doesn’t involve just a regular corporation.
It involves the most powerful financial institution
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