A gift for you!! Can you feel the excitement and energy? This interview is really important.
Listen to the very end of this interview, a KEY message for this time of the shift is announced in the last few minutes. If you don't have time to listen to it all right now, then scroll to minute 23:17 listen to the shared massage, then rewind and listen to the rest of the interview when you have the time. This bit of information, plus the energy which was channeled during it's delivery, is TRANSFORMATIVE. It can change our entire lives from one day to the next.
When you have more time, or after you listen to the message, rewind the video and listen to the rest of the interview, which is packed with information, plus Lilou's special energy and gifted presence, a core element in the pure transference of energy into the visual and audio media.
Thank you Lilou Mace for making this happen!
Here is the link to the interview, it's in YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic7HFoMtnj8
Inelia Benz