
Thursday, October 17, 2024


Accountability :

If there is no such thing, there is no rule of Law, there is no Justice, and life becomes a jungle game,whereas the strong ones servives, and the weak ones vanish from the face of the Earth "!



" Any political and military leadership, before entering, or declare a war against a potential enemy, who supposedly is a threat for its national security...

Any leadership has to be aware, that any kind of Peace, is much better, than any kind of war..

in peace, everybody is winning..Peace is a win - win game..

in a war, there are no winners, only loosers!

Ancountability in crimes, is the main factor to stop a criminal, or a bunch of criminals, to transform into  serial killers of mass destruction!!

If there is no such thing, there is no rule of Law, there is no Justice, and life becomes a jungle game, whereas, the strong ones servives, and the weaks, vanish from the face of the earth!!!

Any leadership, is functioning with borrowed power..The power of People,handed over to them through voting, and certainly within the perimeters of an existing Democracy..

Leadership has no power of its own!!

The power is Yours,and only yours..

So in any case, the leaders,are deciding your fate and destiny, for You, but without You, becauze of negligence or weakness,  bribery or blackmail, or lethal threats, from other power centers behind the.veils...

The price of their actions, is to be paid also by you, and be sure, that it should be a high price...

Deception is not an excuse any more..They are doing this for a long time,.again and again..

Humanity is at a turning point,.in history..

If this time, the red lines,are crossed, by certain power centers,  then we,ll reach the point of no return..

Israel attacks Iran, Russia will not sit idly by

By Mike Whitney , October 12, 2024

“I don’t think the United States feels an implicit obligation to follow the Israelis, no matter what they do, like sheep. If they decide to start a war, assuming that we will automatically be drawn into it, it seems to me that it is part of the obligation of friendship to say, ‘Don’t make national decisions for us. The United States must conduct its own national security policy.’” — Zbigniew Brzezinski

The American foreign policy establishment used to be comprised of men capable of strategic thinking. That is no longer the case. What passes for strategic thinking today is the endless rehash of Israeli speeches by retired generals in the pay of the arms industry and the Israel lobby. These men, who represent an infinitesimal percentage of the population, are a key link in the mechanism that prepares public opinion for conflict, escalation, and war. Their current mission is to convince the American people that Israel’s imminent attack on Iran is in the interests of US national security, which, of course, it is not. In fact, the country is being drawn into a deadly conflagration that will, in all likelihood, precipitate the spectacular decline of American global dominance and the death knell that will toll what has become known as the American Century.

All this was predicted by one of the most prominent analysts of American foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who warned about Iran more than a decade ago in an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times . Here is what he said:

“…an attack on Iran would be an act of political insanity that would trigger a gradual upheaval of global activities. With the United States arousing increasing hostility, the era of American predominance could even end prematurely. Although the United States clearly dominates the world at present, it has neither the power nor the capacity to impose and maintain its position in the event of a long and costly war…

“It is therefore high time for the administration to come to its senses and think strategically, with a historical perspective, and with an eye to the history of the United States.... It is time to tone down the rhetoric. The United States must not be guided by emotion or a sense of religious mission... We have a choice between embarking on a reckless adventure that is deeply damaging to the long-term national interests of the United States, or getting serious about giving negotiations with Iran a real chance...

“Treating Iran with respect and historical perspective would help achieve that goal. American policy should not succumb to the current manufactured atmosphere of urgency, which is ominously reminiscent of what preceded the misguided intervention in Iraq .” — Been there, done that , Zbigniew Brzezinski, Los Angeles Times

That's well said. One can only hope that the brainless experts on cable channels will spread the article among themselves.

Love him or hate him, Brzezinski provided a coherent and well-researched analysis that impartially assessed the extent to which the costs of a given operation outweighed its benefits. In this case, there is simply no comparison. The United States is rushing toward a conflict that serves no national interest, that it cannot win, and that will have catastrophic consequences for the nation's future. Here is Brzezinski again:

“We don’t need to escalate the conflict in this region because an escalation of the conflict involving the Iranians [...] would probably reignite hostilities in Iraq, set the Persian Gulf ablaze, multiply the price of oil by 2, 3 or 4 [...] Europe would become even more dependent on Russia for its energy [...]” (....). So, what’s the point?

“All I can say, as an analyst of international politics, is that a war with Iran would be a disaster. And, frankly, it would be a disaster for us more than for Israel because, with this war, we would be forced to leave the region.... because of the dynamics of hatred that are developing there. And, make no mistake, if the conflict spreads, we will be very much alone... And if we are driven out, how much would you bet on Israel surviving five or ten years from now?” — Zbigniew Brzezinski, Real News Network , 2:15 min

So it would not only be disastrous for the United States, but equally so for Israel, which without Washington’s “unconditional” support would wither away in 5 or 10 years. Some may disagree with this analysis. Perhaps one thinks that a tiny belligerent colony in the heart of the Arab world—which has done everything it can to look pretty nefarious over the past 75 years—could survive without U.S. help?

I guess it's possible. But unlikely. Here's an excerpt from an article that appeared Saturday on NBC News :

“U.S. officials believe Israel has narrowed the number of potential targets in its response to Iran's attack, which they describe as Iranian military and energy infrastructure.

“There is no indication that Israel will target nuclear facilities or carry out assassinations, but U.S. officials have made clear that the Israelis have not yet made a firm decision on how or when to act.....

“The United States does not know when Israel's response might come, but officials have said the Israeli military stands ready to act at any time the order comes..... Both U.S. and Israeli officials have said a response could come during the Yom Kippur holiday...

“The United States is prepared to defend its assets in the region against any immediate counterattack by Iran, but it is unlikely to provide direct military support for the operation.

“Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke last night with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, and they discussed the broad outlines of an Israeli response. However, it was unclear whether Gallant provided any concrete details.” NBC News

On Saturday, more than 10 articles appeared on Google News with the exact same headline: “Israel Limits Targets .” This refrain is supposed to make Israel’s blatant act of aggression seem like a calculated and well-thought-out act of self-defense. What a joke and humiliation for the Biden administration that is not even informed of how its bombs, fighter jets, tanker planes and logistical support are going to be used. Since when did the United States become a lackey to be pushed around by the Tel Aviv gangsters? It’s shocking.

What gets lost in the hype about Israel's upcoming attack on Iran is Russia's stealthy diplomatic campaign to bolster Iran's defenses and prepare for the coming hostilities.

On Friday, Putin met with Iranian President Massoud Pezeshkian in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, to discuss the deteriorating situation in the Middle East and the likelihood of a regional war. The carefully orchestrated meeting was intended to signal that Russia views Iran as both a friend and an ally that can count on Russian support if hostilities break out. Hours earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had issued an ominous warning that an Israeli strike on Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities would be a “grave provocation . ”

Speaking at a news conference in Laos, Lavrov stressed that, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran has remained in compliance with existing regulations and has not diverted nuclear materials to banned weapons programs. (Israel's false claims on this subject are pure propaganda.)

“If plans or threats to attack the civilian nuclear facilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran materialize, this would be a very serious provocation.”

Between Lavrov’s comments and the meeting with Putin, there is little doubt that Moscow supports Iran in its confrontation with Israel, although it is unclear whether Russia will actively intervene if a war breaks out. (It is also worth recalling that Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin visited Tehran just two days before Iran launched its ballistic missile attack on Israel. It can therefore be inferred that Iran has received a green light from Moscow to take steps that fit Putin’s idea of ​​a “proportionate response .”)

Russia is closely monitoring the developments and has transferred military assets to the vicinity of the potential combat zone. It is logical to assume that Russia will confront Iran's enemies if the situation requires it. Military analyst Will Schryver summarized the situation as follows:

“I do not understand why so many people do not fully realize that fighting alongside Iran against the empire is not a choice for Russia, but an existential imperative. This is also something that the Russians have been actively preparing for since the summer of 2022 at the latest.”

Remember, Russia and Iran have significantly strengthened their military ties in recent years, to the point of openly engaging in each other’s security. According to Schryver,

“Russia, China and Iran have now formed a de facto military and economic alliance – what they prefer to call a “partnership”. In the case of Russia and China, a comprehensive, full-spectrum partnership has emerged: military, economic and monetary... .

“Russia, China and Iran regularly hold joint exercises in the Arabian Sea. These exercises have grown in scale and frequency in recent years.

“Russia and China are investing heavily in Iran, much of it in the energy sector and in ambitious transportation projects aimed at building fast and efficient trade corridors linking China, Iran, and Russia as major hubs of Eurasian trade… Transfers of arms and technology between the three countries have reached unprecedented levels... .

“Russia, China and Iran clearly recognize that an attack on any one of them would pose an existential threat to all. The strategic interests of all three countries are now inextricably linked. Most importantly, they are united by a single overarching strategic objective: to dismantle the dominance of the Anglo-American empire that has reigned for too long.....

“In a possible war between the United States and Iran, Russia and China would actively support Iran... Iran would simply be supplied with weapons and other logistical equipment by both partners – and most likely brought under their nuclear umbrella as an explicit act of deterrence.

“If Russia, China and Iran are determined to embrace the principle of ‘all for one’ and ‘one for all,’ they represent an invincible combination of global military and economic power.” — All for one and one for all , Will Schryver, Twitter

Will Schryver's view is shared by a large number of analysts who are (understandably) prevented from sharing their opinions in the mainstream media. But that doesn't change the fact that Russia and Iran are strategic allies who will intervene militarily if they feel threatened.

It is worth noting that Iran supplies China with 15% of its oil (it is China’s largest oil producer), is an active participant in the “International North-South Corridor” project (a multimodal network of over 7,000 km of sea, rail and road routes for transporting goods between India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia and Europe), and is “located at the crossroads of Central Asia, South Asia and the Arab states of the Middle East” . Iran’s strategic location and vast natural resources make it a key player in the emerging multipolar world order that is rapidly replacing any rules-based system in Washington. Neither Russia nor China can tolerate Iran being destroyed or its government being overthrown. Here is more from the author, Dr Digby James Wren, on Substack :

“The Russian president has approved the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement with Iran. The move follows a visit to Tehran by the secretary of the Russian Security Council, preceded by a trip to St. Petersburg by Iran’s national security adviser... Putin... reportedly described the deal as “timely” and to be signed “at the highest level”....

“According to Iranian media, Mr Putin hailed the “strategic” relations between Tehran and Moscow, which have strengthened in recent years and deepened significantly since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

“Cooperation between the two countries has particularly expanded in the military sector. Iran has supplied drones to Russia, which were reportedly deployed against Ukraine. In addition, Iran is reportedly supporting Russian initiatives to localize drone production...

“Relations with Iran are a priority for us,” Mr Putin told Mr Pezeshkian....

“In August, reports also emerged of alleged Russian arms shipments to Iran. The New York Times quoted Iranian officials at the time as saying that Russia began transferring advanced radar and air defense equipment to Tehran following an order from the Kremlin.” — Persian Fire , Dr Digby James Wren on Substack

In other words, Putin anticipated the crisis that is unfolding today and began to actively shore up Iran's defenses. Today, they are ready to intervene. Read:

“Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin discussed the situation in the Middle East and ... set goals that could only be discussed face to face. ... We will follow the development of events. The army is ready for combat, (and) the initiative lies with us ... Victory will be ours, maybe not in the near future, but we will win, no doubt.” — Andrey Gurulev, Russian Lieutenant General @DD_Geopolitics

What we should expect now is an Israeli attack on Iran’s vital infrastructure, accompanied by a decapitation of its political and military leaders. Such an attack would have to go beyond what U.S. advisers have advocated in order to increase the chances of a disproportionate Iranian response that would tempt Washington to go to war. (Iran’s response will be determined in part by Russia, which will favor a “proportionate response .” Putin will give Israel and the United States every opportunity to “cool down” and de-escalate the situation, but if they decide to escalate their attacks, we should expect the worst-case scenario.

There is no way the United States can emerge unscathed from a war with Iran. We are living in a pivotal moment when the cornerstone of our ancient empire is crumbling before our eyes.