
Friday, October 4, 2024


" The Law of Cause and Effect,and the Boomerang Phenomenon. ".

Archangel Nathanael Says....

"Your awakening is so massive and pervasive that the forces of cold light ( Dark forces ),  are mobilizing everything to dissuade you from it. 

Read more..


" If you wage a war, you must have in mind peace...!

If you are in peace, you must always have in mind, how to avoid a war!!! ".


Note :1

" There should be no nuclear war,no nuclear winter, no destruction of this planet, no annihilation of humanity...

The Universal Father,  has long decreed  that there should be no nuclear war,and thre is no cosmic force,  to surpass, or bypass, this decreed!!!

It's not a matter which could result in total destruction of all life on this planet,  but a destruction which is negatively affecting also life on  other dimensions. ".

Note :2

What is written below,has nothing to do with people, or any people..

Within the mind of lunacy, and lunatics, there is no faithful friends, as far as there is free will, and free choice. !


Everything has to do with certain political,and military leadership, who in their efforts, to legitimise their untihuman criminal plans, they apply all kind of deception technics and mechanisms, in order  to get support and approval of their plans,from the people,although,  these plans are leading to destruction, of the people's lives. 

The forces behind all these machinations of destruction and chaos, are targeting above all, all the People.

There is no people of theirs, and they don't give a sh@@#t,about any people! They are just need sacrifices, to establish their plans and agendas..

All these chaos and turmoil, the wars and conflicts, either in Ukraine  or Middle East, are coming from the same antihuman forces,  which are running the show globally,  through their political slaves

Hatrace is considered the worst advisor in solving any kind of crises..

Candi said:

" Eye for an eye, is going to get us all blind "!!

Hatrace is the shadow of love..It's  the lacking of love of any kind, which creates conditions of fear and insecurity. 

Fear and insecurity is triggering conditions of aggression, in order to safeguard their reality..

The mental and sphycological conditions of fear and insecurity, creates a parallel reality of obsession, and a faulse reality full of "enemies".!!

Enybody, who is not adopting, their plans, or agendas, which are in a certain level of paranoia, it's declared as an enemy, and has to be treated this way..

Here is applied the so called, " Sampson Option "..."If you are not with us, you are against us,", so..

A certain nuclear devices,  are placed in secret places, of the capitals of the supposedly enemy states, and here we are..

All "enemies", friends,or no friends,  although before, they disagreed, now they are adopting all their plans and agendas, without any hesitation!!!

Blackmail, and lethal threats,  is the best way, to transform neutrality, friendship, into an alliance of slaves, and servants.

Within the mind of lunacy, and lunatics, there is no faithful friend, as far as there is free will, and free choice. 

Faithful slaves and servants, is the best way. to quarantine, the promotion and implementation of the lunatics plans and agendas...

One of the best methods to promote and implement their plans, are the so called, " "Operation Gladio",and " False Flag operations "...

What is "Operation Gladio" ??

Operation Gladio was the codename for clandestine "stay-behind" operations of armed resistance that were organized by the Western Union (WU) (founded in 1948), and subsequently by NATO (formed in 1949) and by the CIA (established in 1947),[1][2] in collaboration with several European intelligence agencies during the Cold War.[3] 

According to several Western European researchers, the operation involved the use of assassination, psychological warfare, and false flag operations to delegitimize the enemy,s political and military objectives.