
Saturday, August 31, 2024



For all human beings, any wisdom is coming when approaching the sunset of our lives.

It is worth to..

Clint Eastwood, 94-year-old actor legend, 

" Luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is rain on your face, luxury is hugs and kisses.

Luxury is to love and to be loved by people, luxury is being respected, luxury is having your parents alive, luxury is being able to play with your grandchildren. Luxury is what money can't buy."

When all the masters are stating clearly, that on this level, there should be no judgment, there must be a reason..

For all of us any wisdom is coming when approaching the sunset of our lives.

Every human being is born like a blank sheet, in a state of complete amnesia. 

Within every human being,from the very beginning, is inherent the need for seeking joy and happiness, security,and conditions of safety, for family, relatives, and friends...but

This level of experience, is created as an experimental field of separation from God,and the Devine.  .

From the very start, lost within the empty space of conscious awareness, and forgetfulness, as to..

Who we really are..

From where we came from..

Why we are here..

What is the real reason, behind this personal, but also collective, sacrifice of your Eternal divinity, falling within the center of darkness gravity!!]

Everything is related with the Plan, and the evolution- ascension of human beings, within the matterial worlds of Time and space....

It is a process, from inside, out..

The time you start remembering, your real identity, the time when the veils of forgetfulness are falling down, due to your awakening..

That's the time of start walking the path, to your return back home, to your source. From where long ago, and many ,many lifetimes, you have descented into this valley of illusions, and forgetfulness. 

Awakening is the time of perceiving your real identity of God likeness. 

The time of recognising your power,vested to you  by your creator..

The time you perceive,  and accept,that there is no other power, above and beyond, the power of  your divinity.. 

When this spark in dormant, it starts burning again,nothing and nobody can stop or prevent you,to return home..

The kingdom of Mayia,and the valley of illusions are loosing their power upon you.

There are no more, any broken mirrors, to reflect magical,or alchemical fakery,and projecting it, into the map of Mayia.!!