
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

POLAND WANDS AN ALL OUT WAR WITH RUSSIA  and refuses to listen to its most experienced army generals and back off..

" There is no established mechanism, to evaluate the cleverness, stupidity, moronity, or mental derailment, of any high ranking military officer,  politician,or of any decision maker, in order to safeguard logic and survival, against lunacy, warmongering, sphycopathy, and death wish of derailed minds!! ".


 Instead of a Comment. 

There is a saying, which states, that war is a very serious issue in order to pass it on, to the generals and the military.!

There is a fact which nobody can forget, or overcome, either is a high ranking military officer, a strategic analyst, a decision maker, or a politician..

Russia is a nuclear super power..Doesn't matter, if is the bigger, or the second one, with a nuclear arsenal of almost 4 thousands nuclear missiles!!

In an all out war of the Westeners,against Russia, and having in mind, the existing plans,and long standing agenda of the western elites, to erase Russia from the map,as the only obstacle, in establishing the Global Tyranny of the NWO.  .

Russia, is not going to hesitate, in using its nuclear arsenal, against any potential enemy seeking to destroy Russian Federation, and Russian people..

Many western military experts and strategic analysts, like Colonel MacGregor,  the ex chief of staff of Germany, professor Graig Roberts, and many others, on the Intelligence Community,  are already  made serious warning about the possibility of an all out Global nuclear war..

In this case, there should be no winners, or loosers, and this is included America also..Humanity is to be destroyed, and possibly annihilated, and any form of life on Earth, also..

President Putin lately, stated, that already, stealth unmanned nuclear submarines, are outside America's waters, and all America's Cities, are targets, in a distance of 2 - 3 minites,for the Russian nuclear hypersonic missiles.....

He stated also, that all NATO military bases,  headquarters,  and all military infrastructure, in all European States, are targets with hypersonic nuclear missiles...

In an all out war,is a matter of a couple of minutes, that most of the hostile states of Russia, America,  and possibly Russia at the same time, to be destroyed, and erased from the map...

There is no established mechanism, to evaluate the cleverness, stupidity, moronity, or mental derailment, of any high ranking military officer,  politician,or of any decision maker, in order to safeguard logic and survival, against lunacy, warmongering, sphycopathy, and death wish of derailed minds!!

We don't know,  if  some generals, and may be some politicians, are getting the stars, in the battlefield, or in a dream state,or complete dellusion, so to know, the meaning of destruction, total destruction,  and annihilation of human beings...

The Light Forces,are not going to allow this scenario, to take place,in any way...So all the generals,  or politicians, or any elite, can continue,  to dream anything they like, but only on a dream state, or a state of complete self dellusion...

POLAND WANDS AN ALL OUT WAR WITH RUSSIA  and refuses to listen to its most experienced army generals and back off..

Some of its top-ranking military officers are calling for an all-out war.

For instance, on July 10, Polish Army Chief of Staff General Wieslaw Kukula openly called for Warsaw to prepare its troops for this scenario, insisting that it shouldn’t focus on asymmetric warfare, but a full-scale war. Although he didn’t really mention any specific country, it’s only logical to presume he was talking about war with Russia

While Russian long-range precision strike weapons are raining down on the entire territory under the Neo-Nazi junta’s control, there are still those who insist that the latter “can win” and that “everyone” should ensure “Ukraine’s victory” no matter the cost. One would certainly respect such optimism and self-confidence in peacetime. However, in war, this gets a lot of people killed. Despite being perfectly aware of this, many in the EU/NATO still want war with Russia. This is particularly true in countries with endemic and/or truly pathological Russophobia, with some of the most prominent examples being the United Kingdom, Baltic states and Poland. In all these regions there’s an irrational hatred for all things Russian, particularly among the political elites who are simply poised to wage war despite being aware that the results would be catastrophic.

In the last nearly two and a half years, the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta became the proverbial punching bag for probing Russian military might. And while the mainstream propaganda machine is doing a somewhat decent job hiding the atrocious results, the massive amount of resources that the Kiev regime is demanding only keeps growing, clearly indicating what’s really going on. What was supposed to be NATO’s third most powerful member (had it ever joined) turned into a virtual junkyard of the latest Western military equipment. And yet, it seems there are several other nations in NATO that would want this horribly unflattering role as well. Namely, Poland is the “logical” choice for many, although most of those people don’t seem to understand the gravity of the current situation. This includes many Poles who are refusing to assess the consequences.