
Sunday, July 7, 2024



" You are the chosen Ones, and nobody else.The self declared chosen ones, are the ones who are doom to follow, the path of oblivion,and directly into the void of non existence! ".

" The unleashed  dark energies, destined to lower your vibrational status, and energy dynamics, are those which are to trigger ,the separation of worlds, and the ascension of You, to the 4th and 5th Dimensional Fields of experience..

Negativity and adversity are energies,  which are not, in any way, ascending to higher level of existence..

Negativity and adversity,  creates its own deeds, which according to the law of cause and effect, are leading to much more lower levels of density fields, which in turn, is a reflection of their own thoughts, motives, and intentions..

Definitely, they are not ascending,  but surely, are descending, to their worlds of their own making..

" Descending to their own hell, in a world which is run by their own established rules, they can enjoy killing each other, until nobody of them is left "!! ( Exerp of a message by Master Saint Germain, on "Masters and Mankind"."

If people, is not lining with them,and their sinister agenda, NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN".

" A war is declared by the few,and their puppets, in order to prodect, and expand their financial interests, and accumulated wealth...

They use you,to make the wars, to fight for them, and die for them!!

You will find yourself, in the frond line, face to face with death, killing fellow humans, or be killed, by a fellow human, for nothing!!!

A bunch of hookers, is not your country, your flag,  your faith, your honour,  your sovereignty.  


" Planet Earth is one of the 7 sacret Planet in the Multiverse, which is under the protection of the 7 Kumaras,Who are the Higher Administration Authority, by the power vested to them, by The Universal Father. 

As part of a Universal experiment, Earth is the last castle of the remaing dark forces, in the whole Multiverse..

The other 6 sacret planets, in other 6 Universes, have been liberated,  and all dark forces, eliminated..

You are here, with one and only one purpose. To assist and provide quidance, to all your fellow humans, who are still not awake,  to find their real power,and awareness, to find their way back home..

This home, is your original self,knowing no shadows, no darkness, no evil, no hatrace, no fear, no wrongdoings...

You came here, with a bet for yourself!...To win!!If you wand to win, you have to search, and follow,  your own truth,not others plans and agendas..

It is sad, that lately,  the western elites, they speak only about war..They desperately trying, to create an atmosphere of war, and track you in, one way or another,  to embrace,  and approve,  mentally, and sphycologically,  their plans..

They try to deceive you, once again.They bet on you, that you are unable to see the truth, and the fakery they represent...

it is not the first time anyway..

Do not make it the last...

Everything is a matter of choice..

Detach, and close the ears, to the voices of hatrace,  the narratives of fakery, destruction, and death..

Tell them that they are, on their own!!