
Tuesday, May 28, 2024




" It is all about Vibration.It is all about the Energy fields,and dynamics, which are raising your vibrational status,..

This in turn,is leading to the shift of consciousness, and the opening of portal,to the higher level of existence,  to the higher Dimensional Field of Experiense, and into Eternity. ".

When the Ancients of Days, were asked,to give their final advice and decreed,for the Adversaries, and evil ":

" Leave adversity and evil, to follow,its final course of demise, and self destruction ".


" Nobody is loosing, or is separated from any of his beloved ones.Any information provided for the contrary, is false and deceptive ".Archangel Michael. 

" We are not asked, or advised,  to manage to dissolve,or making disappear, of darkness, veiling minds and hearts, of other's, or the evil which resides, within others!! ".

" We are all advised, to turn within..because things, are not only, " as above so below ", but " as within, is without "!!

Reality, is a reflection of our thoughts, intentions, passions and desires, dreams and visions...

We are co-creators of the reality, on which human interaction is taking place "


Since the Universal Father, has long decreed, that at the end of this Cosmic Cicle, evil in all it's forms,and expressions,will and shall, be dissolved..

All Cosmic doors for evil, will and shall be closed for Eternity,  and it's remains, will be spread and dissolved into the four  winds of oblivion, and non existence ...

Evil is a byproduct of Free Will.. 

Evolution is based on the pair of Opposites..If you don't know about the one, you don't know either for the other..

There is no perception, or awareness, if you have nothing, to compare  .

There could be nothing out there to be  perceived, if there is no human awareness,  to perceive it!!

Darkness, or evil, are the cosmic shadow, of Light,in all Cosmic Creation, and therefore, all sentient beings,are not excluded...because are the Masterpiece of His creation,and the centre of the Cosmic  Evolutionary Process, The Devine plan..

There is no meaning,in any kind of shift, if there is no perception of the meaning of Downfall, there is no perception of the upward, if there is no perception of the downward, or the free fall,!!

Your light is given to you, by God, at the time of your creation...

Any clouds of darkness, covering your own mind and heart, are of our own making,based only on our free will.

We are not asked, or advised,  to manage to dissolve,or making disappear, of darkness, veiling the minds and hearts, ofothers,  or the evil which resides, within others!!

We are advised and guided,  to take care of our body and soul,which is 100%, our responsibility, and nobody else..

During hard times, of turmoil, insecurity,  pain and misery,  and when everything is getting upside down..

We are all advised, to turn within..because things, are not only, " as above so below ", but " as within, is without "!!

Reality, is a reflection of our thoughts, intentions, passions and desires, dreams and visions...

We are co-creators of the reality, on which human interaction is taking place..

Either with our actions,or lack of actions..Lack of action doesn't mean, that responsibility, is equal to zero...

Wrong doings, or evil doings, create certain deeds,which in due time, has to be paid,if there is any chance, of redemption..

Since the light is lost completely, the only path follows, is just the road to Central Sun,..from existence,.to not existence...

There is a misunderstanding, about  the whys, of not direct interference, and termination of evil, and the destroyers..

The Father,and also the Ancients of Days, The mind born Sons, as the  Higher Authority, on all Super Universes, with the power invested to Them, by the Father.. 

HE, or Them, they could , in the glimpse of an eye, to end evil, and the adversaries...

The question which is arising, is why They don't do it...Either the Father, or the Ancients of Days...

Since we are all created, as beings of light...any change on the light quotient, which is adding ,or accumulating darkness, and therefore diminishing our light within, is a matter, or issue, of our free will, and choice...

Since we are the ones,responsible for our choices,  we are also the ones for redemption...we are the ones responsible, to find the way back home.

To become the beings of light, as we used to be,from the beginning of time..To reach our original state of being, with the Deity qualities, invested, by both the Father,and the Son,as a travellers, creators, and co-creators of Eternity, within the 7 super Universes of Space and Time...

All the messages, and quidance, coming from The Highest Authority, from all the Masters of Wisdom...the Higher Spiritual realms, are suggesting the same thing..

Dettach at least, by 80%, from this false and fake reality, created by the Adversity and their demonic servants..

stand only as an observer,and laugh, at their desperate efforts, to deceive you one more time, and drive you,  to your own destruction ...

They feed themselves..

They are in joy and happiness..

They feel strong, and superior..

Because of your fears..

Your pain..

Your insecurity..

Your misery..

Do not hate them..

Do not point finger at them..

Tell them, they are loosing the last train for them, to return home...

This reality of theirs, is finish for us, and it should not exist any more...

Focus on your dreams, for peace, for love, for compassion, and understanding...

Your new home, is waiting for you..

The new 5th Dimensional Earth A, is ready,for the ascending one's...

The new 4th Dimensional Erth AB, is ready, as a bridge, to the 5th Dimension, for those not yet ready..

Each one of us,is walking the path, on his own speed, on his own individual way..

As Master Rumi said once:

" There is a place,where there is only joy and happiness. 

There is a place, where there is no wrightdoings or wrongdoings..

There is a place,where there is only love..

When you are ready, we meet there.".