
Monday, April 8, 2024



Morality is from the beginning of time, attached,  embedded, and enveloped all human affairs, on all levels and all socioeconomic networks...

Morality is a reflection of human consciousness, and the qualities infested, envelopes all human interactions..

These values,qualities, and ideals, are the primordial clothes ( garments ),of the Son,as the second aspect of God, which envelopes, all and everything, on all cosmic creation..!!

All these, are the balancing force, for an upward spiral evolutionary process, and are triggering, but also fueling,  any shift of consciousness, to higher levels of existence...

Consciousness is the reflection of  the soul, of a human being,and the soul is a creation of The Creator God..,a gift to human beings, on their journey, to Eternity!!

The soul, can not be copied,or replicated,  ..Though, the values,qualities, infested on consciousness, as the outpicturing of soul's state,could be diminished, and minimised, by darkness...

Under certain circumstances, and when any entity, is travelling in the dark, for a long time, the soul connection to God is not taking place, and the consciousnes values,qualities,and ideals,are spread into the wild winds of darkness of separation..

The late effort of the dark forces,to introduce, apply, and establish, human consciousness, into AI, or synthetic intelligence,is risking humanity's survival, and existence on this earth...due to the motives and intentions, of the people, who are promoting the devilish agenda, of transhumanism, and transform human beings, into robotics...

Adversity, cannot, and couldn't, create consciousness, because it cannot, create a soul!!

Adversity, cannot create,or add to existing creations of God..It can only deduct,or manipulate. 

The whole connection of Adversity, to God's 
second aspect,in Cosmic creation, is shown in the answer, of a soulless entity,when it was asked to c
ommend, about love:
" I have no idea, or knowledge, or any perception, about love. I can't give you any sort of answer, or interpretation, about the meaning of love.." .

The problem, is that love and wisdom, which is reflecting the state of consciousness,  is the quality and value, which provides, balance,  harmony, and duration, to cosmic creations..
Without these, there is nothing..!!