
Friday, April 26, 2024


" Under the auspices of incompetence, and cowardice of the old leadership, Europe,  became the voice of its masters, and finally a "voiceless voice",of the incompetence, and cowardice. ".

Europe can't afford another austerity crisis

People buy items for one euro at a store in central Athens, July 2015
Copyright AP Photo/Euronews
By Lucie Studničná
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Europeans are calling for leadership, not cowardice. This is not the time for quick fixes and old approaches. For the EU to keep pace on the global stage and establish itself as a strong international force, backing off is not an option, Lucie Studničná  

Earlier in April, almost all member states signed the declaration of La Hulpe, together with the EU institutions and the Belgian presidency, as a strong signal of the importance of social policy and the European Pillar of Social Rights.





European citizens are called to decide, about the future Europe, in which  they wand to live....

A Europe which can serve,and quarantine, the interests of the People,by investing more on health Care, and social services,and creating more jobs opportunities..

Europe has to change completely, its trajectory, and put on side, new visions, which are to serve, and fulfill, the European people's dreams, and visions, for a new Tomorrow..

So far,Europe, was run and administered by an elite, which the main objectives, was and still is, to transform EU, as the backyard of the Empire, and the vassal state for the accomplishment of the objective goals,of the empire,and the NWO....

Under the auspices of incompetence, and cowardice of the old leadership, Europe,  became the voice of its masters, and finally a "voiceless voice",of the incompetence, and cowardice. 

Europe, was functioning, as the 2nd center of operations, of the New World Order, under the auspices and the umbrella of an agenda, which was set,and administered, by a conglomerate of " Corporate Bolsevikism ".!

This conglomerate, functioning behind the veils, succeed to impose their will,and  compromised most EU officials,both elected or non elected,and forced them to embrace their agendas..

This way EU,lost its sovereignty, and became, through a compromised and cowardice leadership, a vassal state, a slave,and servand of the empire...

The unformation lately released, shows that the empire,is stepping backwards, although they are the ones, who created and provoked, all chaos and turmoil in Europe...l

The empire now, is empracing a new dogma,and is stating, to their"supposedly" allies, better to say servands,.. 

" The problems are yours..Solve it your way .".!!!

It is becoming quite obvious, that one of the main objective targets of the empire's agenda, was Europe,and not only Russia,and China...

The Europian Community, of the 400 millions and more people, and its industrial sector thriving, was a dangerous competitor, for the big Amerigan corporations, and the American economy in general...

The incompetence, and suicidal stupidity of the decision making of European Institutions, is already set Europe to a dangerous path,which is threatening not only financial stability, but is threatening also the very foundations of existence of the Union...

The leftists-globalist agenda, which is previously defined as " The corporate Bolsevikism ",served by the incompetence, and cowardice, of the European elites,  is given rise to the far right, and voices of deconstruction of the existing policy making institutions, which are controlled,  by the secret conglomerate of the International banking cartels,and the big corporations....

The future of the Union, lies on the visions of the European voters, for a United Europe for its citizens, strong enough, competent enought, and sovereign enought, in order to be able, to contribute,  with confidence, to the peace and security, in international affairs, and for a prosperous future, for all his citizens....



 Europe can't afford another austerity crisis

People buy items for one euro at a store in central Athens, July 2015
Copyright AP Photo/Euronews
By Lucie Studničná
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