
Monday, April 1, 2024


Everything is said, and done!!

" To all lightworkers,who are still stay steadfast, and in service to the Devine plan. " :

You have done your part and that is all you can do. ~ Creator.".

The last decades, some little men, considered themselves, as tough enough, in order to desperately seeking to dismay, or humiliate, some people with no interests..

Those thinking, of doing their best, at the end, they fucked everything in between,by insisting, the unmistakable authority of Pope!!!

Although,they were considering,  always walking 2 steps forward, they found themselves, 3 steps backwards, comparing with their enemies,whom they considered, and still considering, as friends...

Loosing the ability, to separate, the wheets,from the shafts, you don't know, who is your friend, or your enemy..maybe, you start seeing, the enemies as friends, and the friends, as enemies!!!

It is perceived somehow,  that their efforts,  are directed, to a specific objective target, with stealth,  and not visible methods, to instil fear or panic...

If the mafioso network, is still functioning,  no results should be expected,  because, the sunset is nearing, not the sunrise!!

By going after, specific people, they are not fu@@#ing anybody else, except themselves..!

If you try to become a king, in an era, of no Kings, the outcome could end as a naked emperor.!

Hope is the last refus of the adversaries, in a game, which they already lost...but because of their blind, they cannot see it, or perceive it..!

Have faith, and may be, you can see the loss, as a winning point, for a new beginning, on a new path of no fakery!!