
Sunday, March 10, 2024



                   The Manjurian Man!

          THE ART OF WAR


If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

We are at war with the most sinister evil forces, ever existed on Earth.

This war continues, from the times of the Fall of Atlantis, until today..

This war, is on all levels of human interaction,and it is a war,about your mind, and soul...

These sinister, and evil forces, are first infiltrated, and then hijacked, all the centers of power, institutions, big corporations, and certainly, the MSN..The big media outlets, which are own, and controlled,by these forces, are the promoters, and supporters, of the evil agendas of their masters..

From the fall of Atlantis, since recent times, humanity, had no idea, what was actually happening, and what their antihuman agenda was,or how this agenda, was predesigned, was planned, or the ways, it was anfolding, in human affairs...

Their success, in promoting their plans, was based in one word: DECEPTION!

They proclaimed goodness, love,compassion, and understanding, but they promoted, evil, cruelty, pain, misery, and destruction, on all levels...

All their actions, are designed, to instil fear, insecurity, and despair..creating the conditions, and energy dynamics, for absolute controll..

Control, is the first stage of hijacking your power, and your freedom..

Freedom of speech, freedom of expressing your opinion, freedom of action, on any aspect of your live..Your free will, to decide, as a free individual, about your lifes, your future...

Their intention, is to transform, human beings, into robotics, and therefore, under the absolute control and authority, in service to their unholy, plans and agenda...

Your awakening, is the reason, of their panicking, and are terrified, of loosing their privileges, and wealth, which are stolen from you, with criminal acts,but legalised, by their political slaves, and servants, in a circus show of the imposters...

On their state of panic, they pretend, that thy are bigger than actually are, and that they still have power, that already lost. 

The king is naked, for all to see,and you are not blind anymore, in order to pretend, that everything is fine.  .

When, nothing is fine for them..Then everything, is in the right direction, to be fine for you.  

You are witnessing, the fall of the titans  ..and its a free fall..