
Monday, March 18, 2024


It's been stated many times, by all the Ascended Masters, assigned to provide quidance, for the awakening of Humanity...that :

The ascension scenario, is proceeding without any serious problems, although the darkies, they are doing their best, to keep you in total darkness...

The Ascension, is under the Authority of The Father and the highest realms,and no cosmic force, dark, or more dark,has  the power, or the potentials, to cancel it.

The dark forces, and their political puppets, and slaves, they try in their despair, any catastrophic scenario, to create chaos, destruction, and turmoil, in an attempt,  to change, and downgrading the energy level, and energies dynamics....

They are missing something, which, they had to know better..and may be by perceiving the unavoidable outcome, to see the light!!

All dark energies created, and accumulated, in the form of destruction, and chaos,....are triggering, and at the same time, are fueling, the final stage, of separation of the Worlds, and the ascension process...

The 5th Dimensional Earth,( Earth A ) assisted by the rising of the awakening Humanity, is travelling, for the center of the Galaxy, the Sagittarius Canstenllation, ready to provide residence, to the new Ascented Masters of Humanity...

The 4th D Earth ( Earth AB ), is ready to provide hospitality to the majority of the awakened, and still awakening people, of this Planet...under the leadership, and quidance, of the New ascended Masters...

All the members of the Dark Cabal, and the dark forces,and all those mentally attached, and in service, to the plans, and the agenda, of the adversaries, will be taken,before or after death  to another 3d Planet, to start from the very beginning,  .The most possible scenario, for these entities..

1..Prison Planets..

2..Crystal rehabilitation centers. 

3..A new incarnation, in a new Planet, in a stone age state,  and living in cages, starting, a new life series!!!

This Planet Earth, due to abuse, and destruction, wars, and bloodshed for millenia, needs healing...Because of these, the planet is going through serious upheavals, not excluding polar shifts...

Humanity is on the bridge, of its new home, and final destination..

To the promised New Land..

To the New Golden Age..