
Saturday, January 6, 2024



" The Rise and the Days of Fall,of Fakary, and the Nights, of Tsarlatans ".

In all recorded History, of Mankind, Humanity passed, from different stages, of social grouping, or social networks organisation,and administration, structures...

From Emperors, and Imperial States, to Kings and Kinghtoms,  from Plutocrats and Plutocracy, to Dictators and Dictatorships, and finally,to Democracy, or at least, to a mascarated Democracy, and Tyranny!!!

On all these social organisations structures, the scope, as was declared by the archons, plutocrats, masters, leaders,from time to time, was..

The creation, of a happy society,  and full of joy, and happiness,  citizens!!

Doesn't matter, what the authoritarians, were saying, and promoting,  supposedly to achieve joy,and happiness for their population...

The end game,on these societal chronicles,  whatever, the system was, administration, or governance,   it has, the same outcome!!

1. Very rich ,and very happy Emperors,  Kings, plutocrats,  Dictators,  politicians,  mafioso,  etc...

2. Very unhappy, and poor,  miserous,  oppressed, population,  which, as always is happening,  they are feeded with big promises,  and bla...bla. bla.!!

Although there are some exemptions, in history, for good archons, Kings,. Emperors etc, trying to make the lives, of their citizens, better...

The majority of all these leadership,  may should find themselves,  becauze of their failure,  to accomplish,  their promises,..

.Either,  hang or shoot, in public squares, by an angry, and deceived people.!

The most recent Earth’s times, and especially, in one of the most famous, hymespher,  could be labelled,  as the times of the False idols, or pseudo gods..or may be, much better..

The days of the descent, of greatness, to the void of littleness!!...or

The nights of Tsarlatans, which means, the revelation,  or the fall of fakery, of the incompetence, of the insouciance, the two facet deceivers,  of the false gods of dementia!!

The modern "tsarlatanism", which the American professor and ex minister, Paul Graig Roberts, defines, as the "cost of insouciance",is not more, or less, the descend of greatness, into the void of littleness,  the intelligence, and wisdom of governance,  into the void of incompetence, and populist tsarlatanism.!!

Do not be dismayed..!!

Don't leave, the phenomenal conditions to overwhelming your mental conditions..!!

Show, that you are happy..and..!!

You will be happy..!!!!

Have fun, with everything, you are doing,  or with any situation,  you face, willingly, or unwillingly..

Solutions to all problems,is not a matter,  of motives, and intentions,capabilities, or potentials, syndicated plans, or interests, but .

A pure fact, of inspiration,  and enlightment!!

Just think about a plan..!!!

Just announce the plan..!!!

Advertise the plan..!!!

Then just sit...and wait..!!!

Untill everybody,  ...forgets everything..!!!

Until next time!!

Enjoy the weekend..and have fun..