Professor Paul Graig Roberts
( Πρώην υπουργός της κυβέρνησης Ρηγκαν).
We are experiencing on the part of Israel and the US a total lack of judgment. The risks are being ignored. It is starting to look like the Armageddon that Revelation describes.
The problem for humanity is that it has developed weapons that are capable of destroying all life, and these weapons are in the hands of emotional people incapable of restraint and reason.
I have been, and continue to be, concerned about the conflict in Ukraine spiraling out of control. The situation developing in the Middle East is more dangerous. There doesn't seem to be sufficient recognition of this danger. The war propaganda from the presstitutes is extreme and blinds people to reality. Those in office think they are in control, but they are not.
Possibly Russia could prevent a wider conflict by raising its military presence in Syria, but Putin is not proactive.
You tell me, where are the leaders to prevent a catastrophe?