You can't be a White knight, or at worst, pretend to be a knight..Templar..or
You cannot be a sort of little free, ot a little slave!!
You cannot be a little just, and a little unjust..
You cannot fight against corruption, but cronyism, and opacity, be off, corruption!!
You can't supposedly, fight for the many, and in the big issues.. to be associated with the interests of the few, or the very few..
We cannot seek, personal or other domination..
We cannot seek solidarity and alliances, on a personal or other level...
But to end up, and compromise, with Masters,and bosses,..and ourselves, in the place of the servants, and slaves, of their own, interests..
And our own interests, spreading in the five winds, looking like suicidal syndromes.!!
The Slogan:
"Either you are with us, or you are against us.",
It's a catchphrase..
It is not based on reciprocity and equality, but on fear and imposition.
There are no, alliances, smart, and stupid,.or useful idiots!!
Not even between oppressors and victims.!
These are just Suggesting, of suffering, with the Stockholm Syndrome!!
When, Jesus said.:
" Whoever wands to follow me,just get his bed, and star walking."
Jesus Christ, he wasn't kidding!
You can't barely " get married," or became a follower, or believer,..
By fear or necessity..
Not only with God, but also with El D@ @ @ Lo!!!
Everything is a choice..
This is the Land of Free Will.
For mortality..
And not for eternity.!!