
Friday, April 24, 2020

The China – Jesuit partnership which destroyed western manufacturing and economies

The China – Jesuit partnership which destroyed western manufacturing and economies

by Bob Thompson*
Back in the mid-nineties I had occasion to meet a man who had a close connection to the Order of Jesuits and the Vatican.
As circumstances evolved I saved the man’s life. We developed a friendship and this led to him opening up to me about his strange life and history. I will call him Max.
One day he reacted to a comment I made that maybe the communist Chinese regime wasn’t held in serfdom to the financial and political power of the old Satanist families of Europe which the Jesuit order represented.
His response was, “I am disappointed in you. I thought you were smarter than that! I thought you knew more than most people!”
So I asked him to enlighten me, knowing that he had spent many years in China but what he confided in me was unexpected.
Chairman of Chinese Communist Party Deng Xiaoping partnered with wealthy European Jesuit families to relocate western manufacturing
During the later years of the Mao Zedong dictatorship the Jesuits sent Max into China to offer a partnership between the corrupt, wealthy European Jesuit families and the Chinese Communist Party.
Mao responded to this offer by throwing Max into jail. He remained there for quite a while until the Chinese leadership changed when Deng Xiaoping became Chairman in 1978 until retirement in 1992.
The Vatican again sent Jesuit emissaries into China with a renewed offer and Max was released from jail.
The business deal was finally put into place and today has changed the world.
Socialist China had become an impoverished, backward country with a massive military and police force.
The Jesuits offered to use their power over western nations through front organisations like the Masonic Lodge, banking industry, Catholic politicians and the various socialist assets such as environmental groups which they owned in Western Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to transfer western industries to China.
These undercover organisations, some holding tax-free status in Commonwealth nations, pushed the free trade agenda upon the west to allow slave labour manufacturing of Chinese goods.
In exchange the Chinese communists were to agree to share the profits from this trade deal with the same old Jesuit families in Europe.
This deal has been kept secret for decades. Free trade was forced upon the western nations by the fifth column members of their political parties.
China was open for business.
Business and industry in the west had more and more taxes and environmental regulations imposed upon them, then the unions forced unsustainable wage increases allowed under China sycophants and closet Marxists PM Bob Hawke and PM Paul Keating.
Meanwhile in China it was business and manufacturing at all costs. There was no harsh and unworkable green and red tape holding it up.
Manufacturing in Australia and the US could not compete with China’s slave labour wages of $2 a day and eventually were forced to relocate their factories to China and along with their valuable, state-of-the-art equipment and patents.
Hawke’s ATO emissary shut down a Sydney manufacturing business

I met with a Sydney manufacturer at the time who made high quality fittings for gas and water installations.  He was visited by a representative of PM Hawke’s office.
The businessman was given an ultimatum, “shift your plant to China or you will be destroyed,” the government agent told him.  “All costs will be paid by the government.”
He refused the treacherous offer and a few weeks later had a visit from the Australian Tax Office. He was accused of tax fraud.  His bank accounts were closed while the ATO conducted an investigation.
Consequently the businessman was unable to pay staff or suppliers. The ATO kept up the charade until he was made bankrupt.  The business was sold and the plant and equipment went to a Chinese buyer.
One of the most destructive parts of the Jesuit – China deal was how China’s much touted economic “miracle’ was funded.
China was allowed to establish a two-tiered monetary system. Their banks did not borrow from the global banksters and did not have to accept so-called foreign investment.
Just as the Australian Treasury created $130 billion by adding extra noughts in their computers a week ago, and how Donald Trump created $2 Trillion interest-free by merging the Federal Reserve with Treasury.
Australia funded large infrastructure projects such as the Snowy River Scheme and the Nullabor Railway in the same manner. Debt-free, no extra taxes, no user pay and no foreign ownership.
After the Chinese deal there were no howls from the Jesuit-controlled media about ‘funny money’.
China went from a third world cesspit into a massive economic powerhouse in a few decades thanks to the crushing economic loss to Australia and the US.
President Trump has begun to claw back America’s former status as a manufacturing giant usurping China but the party duopoly of Australia continues to drag its feet under the weight of cash-backs, foreign bank accounts of politicians and bureaucrats and compromise on a scale that would make Indonesian politicians blush.
Now we are confronted by the Wuhan virus disaster and we have to manage with the loss of our own medical manufacturing industries which were shifted to China.
The cost of this treasonous transfer of our industrial capacity to the police state of China is clear.  This was the ultimate aim of the Jesuits in partnership with Communist China.
Max is long dead but we owe him thanks for revealing the truth about a very evil venture in which Australian politicians played a part.
I am remiss that I ought to have shared this story much sooner. Please pass it on.
Bob Thompson is  a NSW writer and psychologist