My child,

don't be afraid. I am with you.

All will be well because all IS already well.

I have all under control.

There are and will be losses but they have agreed to this before they incarnated. They are helping to bring the truth to the light and to help fight those who wish to hurt you. We are celebrating these brave souls and we will celebrate together with you too when all is done.

I am with you and through my incarnation I am going through the same experiences you are going through so I know exactly how you feel.

Have faith and trust. Together we can and will be successful and create a beautiful wonderful place for all to live in. And this is not years in the future but it is happening right now. My angels and I are clearing and cleaning your planet from those who don't belong there and who wish you harm. You can help in staying fearless and calm. This is the best thing you can do besides keeping your vibrations high.

I love you so much
