
Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Monday, January 13, 2020

Pleiadians Inter-dimensional Message for ALL Earth's Beings

Our Inter-dimensional Message for all of Earth’s Beings

The Pleiadians Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Gaia’s Earth Beings,
We, the Pleiadians, who have come to Gaia to assist Her with Her Planetary Ascension greet you, the members of Gaia’s Earth. We along with your other Galactic family members of the Arcturians, Venusians, Antarians, as well as our entire Galactic Family who has taken a vessel on Earth and/or observed dear Gaia from the higher dimensions of what you call “outer space.” 

We, the Pleiadians have come to assist our dear Planetary Sister, Gaia. We have been closely following and over-lighting the members of our fifth dimensional family who have volunteered to take a third dimensional, human body on Earth circa 2020 and beyond. 

2020 is a year that will present a greater opportunity for humanity to remember their innate knowledge of how to transmute their consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond. 

Therefore, we wish to inform you, our dear friends and family who are currently wearing third dimensional earth vessels, that more and more Arcturians, Pleiadians, Venusians, and Antarians have volunteered to take third dimensional Earth bodies to assist Gaia with Her transmutation into the return to Her innate fifth-dimensional, planetary body. 

We have been closely following  the members of our fifth dimensional Galactic Family on Earth during the NOW of 2020. We have also been communicating with all the members of our fifth dimensional Galactic Family who are traveling through out what humans would call “Outer Space.”

The fact that more and more humans are realizing within this NOW that their Galactic Family is sending them more and more communications, is an important sign that more and more humans are awakening to their own higher dimensional expressions of SELF!

These communications between your Galactic Family and our Earth Bound Family Members is because we Pleiadians can act as though we are third dimensional humanoids on Earth during your current NOW. 

There are some humans who have been “awake” to their fifth dimensional consciousness long enough to realize that something very different is happening. In fact, more and more of our Earth Bound Humans are realizing that there is a higher frequency of reality which is beginning to reveal itself on Gaia’s dear planet Earth. 

Poor Gaia has suffered through many wars, bombs, poisons, pollution, and mass destruction to her Planetary SELF. Fortunately, it appears that more and more of the Pleiadians, and other Galactics, who have volunteered to take human vessels for many incarnations are NOW awakening to the remembrance of their own higher dimensional expression of SELF are resonating to the fifth dimension and beyond.

There are many fifth dimensional Landing Sites on Earth, which are only visible to those who have awakened their innate ability to perceive, and even communicate with, fifth dimensional beings. 

Unfortunately, because there has been so many “dark ones” on Gaia, the fifth dimensional ones have remained in their fifth dimensional frequency which cannot be perceived by humans who are limited to only consciously perceiving the third and lower fourth sections of Gaia’s planetary body.

Fortunately, some humans, in fact, more and more humans are beginning to realize that the atmosphere and surrounding “outer space” is filled with higher dimensional beings who have heard dear Gaia’s call for assistance, and have come to Her Earth to assist with Her process of Planetary Ascension. 

We Pleiadians are well aware of the perceptual limitations that most of the third dimensional human have. However, much to our great surprise and unconditional love, more and more humans are beginning to awakening enough to activate their fourth dimensional perceptions.

Better yet, more humans are now awakening to their fifth dimensional perceptions, and even better, they are beginning to believe that which they perceive, even though many other humans are unable to even perceive, and therefore unable to believe.

Fortunately, there are more and more Earthly humans who are beginning to awaken to their innate ability to perceive, and communicate with, their fifth dimensional family members and friends who are protecting and guiding them. 

Unfortunately, still many humans are not aware “YET” of the Galactic protection factor, and still believe that their visits to their fifth dimensional world is “just a dream.” 

Fortunately, our brave Pleiadians who have taken on the disguise of being third dimensional humans, are finding their own, higher multidimensional selves, who are assisting them to expand their third dimensional, physical brain’s ability to interface with higher and higher frequencies of reality.

Hence, more and more areas of their third dimensional beings are beginning to remember a “distant order,” or was it a promise, to assist all humanity to remember to activate their innate, higher dimensional perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and memories.

We find that too many humans perceive these awakenings of their innate abilities to be, “just their imagination.” However, as more and more of them “awaken,” to their true Multidimensional SELF, they will begin to remember the reason for their current incarnation on dear Gaia’s planet Earth.

The fact is that there have been many “landings” on Gaia since Chernobyl and the World Wars. Gaia is now needing to face the great fires in Australia. The Pleiadians are well aware that planet Earth has already been greatly damaged by just a relatively few members of humanity . 

Therefore, the Galactics have come to Gaia to assist Her with Her transition into the higher frequencies of Earth’s planetary reality before the negative humans have wounded Her too greatly to complete her transmutation back into Her innate fifth dimensional Planetary Body

It is for this reason that more and more of we Pleiadians, 
have taken on the appearance of third dimensional humanity.

Furthermore, we Pleiadians “disguise our ships” as clouds so that the many beings on Earth wearing “human earth vessels” are not frightened. Unfortunately, most humans are not aware that they are sharing their planet with higher dimensional beings, or that those sharing their planet are actually there to PROTECT our planet. 

The first challenge for the awakening humans is to realize that, yes, the many, in fact most, Galactics have come to Earth to protect Her from that great damage that has been done to Her. However, there are also many Loving, Kind, Helpful, and Highly intelligent humans who are learning how to be able to communicate with the Pleiadians. 

However, most of these communications occur when the human is in a deep state of meditation, or has learned to release all fear about the Galactics. It is for this reason, that the Pleiadians keep their Ship “invisible” to the third dimensionals perceptions. 

The Pleiadians often leave their Ship docked near their Landing Site. Yes, there are many Pleiadian landing sites, and there are many Pleiadians on Earth who are wearing earth vessels that resonate beyond the third and fourth dimension and into the fifth dimensional frequencies of reality.

Let us take a moment to speak about the frequencies of Earth’s reality. Imagine being on the bottom of the ocean in a undersea vehicle. The bottom of the ocean is far from the sunlight that allows you to easily see your environment. 

Therefore, in order for one to see the distant light that flows onto the top of the ocean, one would need to travel up, up, up to the top of the ocean in order to see the Sunlight on the surface of the water.

In the same manner, one must raise their consciousness into higher and higher frequency of brainwaves in order to “see the light that fills your life,” if you remember to look for it. Love and Light must be “looked for” in order to find it. One may “find” light and love, but that does not mean that they will acknowledge that light and love so that they can use them in their daily life.

One can walk out into a lovely, sunny day and ignore the sun and ignore the beauty of the day. However, the day will still be sunny, and the environment can still be beautiful. Most important, if one decides to see the light and see the beauty, they will likely have a much better day than one who ignores the beauty and is angry as they move through their day and through the traffic as they drive. 

On the other hand, if one started day their day by accepting the light and enjoying their environment, they would likely have a much better day. Even if these two totally different people work next to each other, and have the same job, one will be happy and the other will not.

The truth is, what you look for is what you are most likely to find. However, sometimes one can forget to “look” and just “be!” It is often within the “being” that one can more clearly see/experience their own personal SELF.

It is when one remembers to consciously LOOK at their self, at their family, at their job, etc. they may find something old that is time to release and/or something new and exciting that they can accept and enjoy.

However, joy can only be found when you feel it. Also, if you look for joy in your life, and most important if you “give it to others,” you will also find the joy within your own self.

Also, it is that which you give away the shows us who we really are. In fact, what you “give away” is often what you “get back.” It is especially important to realize that fact when one is in a difficult and/or challenging time, or situation. 

However, if you only see your self, you will miss some very important information. Gaia is in a NOW which is challenging for ALL the members of Her planet Earth. In fact, it is very important that as many members of Gaia, human and not human, flow into a feeling of Unity Consciousness. 

“Unity Consciousness” means that you are in “unity with your own Higher SELF” as well as in “unity with other persons, places, situations or actions.” Beloved Gaia needs the Unity Consciousness of her humans so that her planetary body can more easily adjust to, rise above, and find strength from that which is occurring to the members of Her planet. Also, just as Gaia’s health if vital for all of the humans who live on her, the health of each and every individual on Earth influences the health of Gaia.  

Some of the Pleiadians have been wearing Human Vessels for so many incarnations that they may not remember their true Pleiadian SELF. Fortunately, there are many fifth dimensional Landing Sites on Earth, which are only visible to those who have awakened their innate ability to perceive, and even communicate, with fifth dimensional beings.

Because there has been so many “dark ones” on Gaia, the fifth dimensional most Galactics  have remained in their fifth dimensional frequency, which cannot be perceived by the humans that are still limited to their third and lower fourth dimensional perceptions. 

We Pleiadians are well aware of the perceptual limitations that most of the third dimensional human have. However, much to our great joy and love, more and more humans are beginning to awakening enough to activate their fourth dimensional perceptions.

Therefore, there are more and more Earthly humans who are just beginning to awaken to their innate ability to perceive and communicate with their fifth dimensional family and friends who are protecting and guiding them. Most of the humans are not aware of the protection factor. Hence these humans usually think that their visits to their fifth dimensional world was “just a dream.”

Our brave Pleiadians who have taken on the disguise of being a third dimensional human are finding their own third-dimensional, human expression of self and are assisting them to expand their human, third dimensional brain’s ability to interface with more and more fourth and fifth dimensional beings.

It is in this manner, that the Pleiadians can assist their “earth bound Pleiadians friends” to remember how to activate their innate, higher dimensional perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and memories while living in a third dimensional vessel.

We find that most humans perceive these awakenings of their innate abilities to be, “just their imagination.” However, as more and more of them “awaken,” to their true Multidimensional Pleiadian SELF, they will begin to remember the reason for their current incarnation on dear Gaia’s planet Earth.

The fact is, there have been many “landings” on Gaia since Chernobyl and the World Wars. In fact, Gaia is now needing to face the great fires in Australia. The Pleiadians are well aware that planet Earth has already been greatly damaged by the members of humanity. 

In fact, they have come to Gaia to assist Her with Her transition into the higher frequencies before the negative humans harm Earth too greatly to complete her transmutation into her innate fifth dimensional planetary self. It is for this reason that we the Pleiadians, have taken on the appearance of humanity. 

Also, we Pleiadians often “disguise our ships” as clouds. Also, there are many Pleiadians on Earth wearing “human earth vessels.” Most humans are not aware that they are sharing their planet with higher dimensional beings who have come to Gaia in order to protect Her planetary body. 

The first challenge for the awakening humans is to realize that, yes, there are many  Galactics who have come to Earth to protect Her from that great damage that has been done to Her. However, there are also many Loving, Kind, Helpful, and Highly intelligent humans who are able to communicate with the Pleiadians. 

However, most of these communication only occur while the human is in a deep state of meditation, and/or has learned to release all fear about the Galactics. It is for this reason that the Pleiadians keep their Ships “invisible” to third dimensional perceptions. 

The Pleiadians often leave their Ship docked near their Landing Site. Yes, there are many Pleiadian landing sites and there are many Pleiadians on Earth who are wearing earth vessels that resonate beyond the third and fourth dimension and into the fifth dimensional frequencies of reality.

Therefore, if you “imagine” that you saw a cloud that looked like a Starship, it is likely a Starship that is cloaked by a cloud. We Pleiadians are aware that more and more Earth humans are awakening to the higher dimensions. Unfortunately, on Gaia’s Earth the “darkest night” often proceeds the dawn.

We Pleiadians remind you that YOU are NOT alone.  We, the members of your Pleiadian Family are with you always and are happy to answer any questions that you wish to ask.

Blessings to all our brave Pleiadians who have chosen to take on human bodies so that they can gather more information about Gaia’s plight, and guide the dear Gaia into you’re her Planetary Transmutations back to the FIFTH DIMENSION!

Please remember that we Pleiadians are ALWAYS available to assist you.
The Pleiadians

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