
Friday, September 27, 2019

Fwd: Now we are reaching, dearest ones, the end of time,


Θέμα: Now we are reaching, dearest ones, the end of time,


Now we are reaching, dearest ones, the end of time, and thus, the end of mind…that you might be the pure experience of Real Love in all of its magnificence, the open heart of God, the power of Love itself, manifesting your experience of a life, a world of perfect beauty that comes forth brand new, in the Now Moment.

You believe in a world that needs healing and thus create the experience of duality. You believe in the need to reverse the aging process and in that process, you create a body that is aging when…in truth, you are Spirit. You are God. You are the perfection and the power of Love dancing through the universe and bringing to yourself the focus of the power of your heart as your experience.

So, dearest ones, I Am asking you to use this power to find the blazing Love that pulses from your center and to bring into this place of pure Creation every thought, every thought that creates the experience of duality…every perception of other than Love, every judgment of something being "less than good." Every bit of resistance… And beloved ones, your story…all of it. Your picture of who you are… that creates the world that you live in.

Open into the Reality of Love. Burst free from the creation of the experience of other than perfect Love. Wake into this moment of Love's freedom by bringing every perception of the ego mind consciously into the heart that Love may show you the one truth – THERE IS ONLY GOD HERE AND I AM LOVE.

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