
Monday, August 26, 2019


Sometimes things are not as it seems to be.

Pr.Erdogan is a master mind in tactical manoeuvring and planning. Not because he really  is, but because his opponents or enemies  are not.!
He behaves like the master or the EMPEROR of the Universe. Like his authority is granted by a higher authority very faithful to his skills and abilities to accomplish a specific mission.
We do not know or we have no idea ,which  this mission is or how to be accomplished.
His vision is to.create the New Othoman empire. Let see by using logical reasoning if this is going to be a successful dream or is going to stay a dream or is to be transformed into a Turkish nightmare.
First and above all he is alone.In international relations,there are no eternal friends. There are
only eternal interests. If these interests are changing with the flow of things, friends are becoming ENEMIES,and enemies not necessarily friends.!!
Turkey used to have very closed and friendly
relations  with Israel based on strategic interests and support to Israelis for decades.
Based on a strange and weird change of Mr.Erdogans political stand on various issues
and very crucial for Israelis national interests,
Israel became a deatly enemy.
For decades and during the Kemalists regime
the two countries relations is been more than good.Because the Israeli Turkish community
established in Turkey in 1765 - coming from Spain and accepted - welcomed by the Sultan-
used to have a lot of influence on all institutions. In finance ,commerce,public administration and also in the Turkish army.
All these changed with the Erdogans regime
rise in power and his Islamic party.
For some reasons known to ERDOGAN and his closed associates and political allies ,they started a WITCH HUNTING against the Israeli community and especially against any Turkish Israeli in high posts and positions of power...
In the army and public administration and justice..This HUNTING reached maximum level after the coup de ETAT of 2016, after which hundred of thousands ended in jail.
In America now times ,nobody ,in any position
of power or institution speaks for Turkey as an ally or as a friend. In all CIRCLES of power Turkey is an enemy.
This can change only with regime  change,which for the time being is quite impossible.
What is left...?
The whole game started in Syria, and the most possible is to continue to evolve there..
With the Amèricans,the Russians,the Iranians
and the Syrians,using the Kurds card in the Medeast pussle or chessboard.
Putin of Russia is playing supposedly on the safe side, as long as he is the master of the game.Nothing can change the Russians plans
about the Assad regime and Syria. Especially Turkey, when faces military and air attacks by
Russian forces when they try to gain controll in some areas of the war zone or to increase their
territory under their controll..
Instead of a win win game for Erdogans plans,
it seems that the whole issue is evolving to a failed failed game to nowhere..
The Russians Turkish relations is becoming a sort of weird- wild love story, or an affair of fatal attraction. !

NEXT.  THE S400 ISSUE ANĎ THE WRATH OF THE JESUITS ( The political wing of the ROCHILDS Empire and creator of Israel).