
Wednesday, July 10, 2019


God said:
I am a wonderful God of Love, yet I deserve no credit. I do as I like. What credit is due when I simply follow My heart? I serve My heart of Love. I give to Myself. I am the winner. All the joy I give, I give to Myself. If you are a mother or father, you know the joy of providing for your children. In giving to your children, you are giving to yourself. As parents, you begin to know what it is to see another as the fruit of your vine.

What could I possibly do but love you and love you with all My heart? This is easy and natural for Me. Anything less would be hard for Me. I thank Myself that I am a God of Love and not of judgment. Can you imagine? Oh, how I would suffer to be anything but the love that I am! And you are the love of My life. You are the apple of My eye.

I give thanks for your Being. I am grateful that I have children, and that you are My child whom I love with all My heart. You are My dream spun before Me. How tender is My love, and how beautiful and beloved are you!

You were formed in Heaven, beloveds. Will you remember that? Where did you think you were made? It can only be Heaven, for, in the sense I speak, there is no other place, and, if there were, why would I create you anywhere else when I am in Heaven and competent to create you here?

When you are My child, what else can you be but divine? It is impossible that I would drive you out of the Garden of Eden. It is impossible that I would even consider letting you go. I never did let go of you. I kept you always deep in My heart. Your thoughts may wander, but not Mine. I clasp you close to Me, and so We are One, One Undivided Indivisible Being of Love.

Today I ask you to remember the land you came from and from Whom you came. Will you remember that I created you, and I created you in My image? My image is not what you look like. I created you in the likeness of Myself, referring to My vision and My heart. Your heart is Mine, and you are Mine, and so I ask you to reflect Me in all My glory and in all of yours.

Of course, I realize you don’t begin to know your worth. I know you don’t because I see how you often treat yourself and sometimes others. Even so, you are growing to the picture I have of you and that I made you of. There is a footstep I have left for you, and now you will fit into it. You will see that the shoe fits.

In that way, you are presently Cinderella. Soon enough, you will discover that you are your own prince who comes to rescue you from servitude. You are your own fairy Godmother as well, and the coach is not really a pumpkin. It is a far-bearing coach of love that carries you all the way to Me. And you are more than Cinderella favored by the loving prince. You are love itself. You are My Divine Love on Earth for all the world to see. Beloveds, you will even love the wicked stepsisters and wicked stepmother who did not have the slightest clue as to Who they were and what they were truly worth, and cannot until they deign to step out of their disguises. The wicked stepsisters and stepmother are also yourself, for it is you who keeps yourself in the ashes. You can step out at any time you decide you are deserving of more. I am here to tell you that you are deserving of more. Right now you are.