
Thursday, May 16, 2019


Neo-liberals - Neo-cons.
They have an abstract idea of Love, compassion, sympathy, and understanding!
In reality, everything belongs to anybody and nothing to nobody!
They love and worship, only the image of money and banks!

Populist movements-Parties - Far right etc.
They have a clear idea, as to whom they love, and which policies they like or don't like.
They love their people much more than the actors of the Polit Bureau of Brussels
and decision makers, are pretending to.
Because, for man, loving everybody, ends in loving nobody!
Because, if you are not protecting - love your own people, then everything is FAKE.
Love or compassion is not coming out of staged crises or predesigned conditions of chaos. The main objective of the EU fans and worshippers of Mr.Soros, or Mr, coup d'etat !!

The EEU CITIZENS have to give a thought, as to whom are going to vote for.
It is not a matter of likes or dislikes. Because, all separate votes, represents a vision
from each candidate, which at the end, with the elected ones, are to be united within the
EEU Parliament as Liberals, Populist Parties, Greens, Communists, Neo-conservatives,
Far RIGHT etc.
The Liberalism, within EEU, is a MIXTURE of joined or combined forces, represented
by both the Neo-liberals and the Conservates or Neo-cons.
They have the same ideas[!], or they believe in the same doctrine, or they have the same
god. A free market Economy.The free market in which they believe or worship is not a free
market economy.If they still believe, that the financial cannibalism, or the declared war against their own people, is a free market phenomenon.!!
Also, they have to explain to the many, why they allow and promote, the zombie behavior
of the banking institutions, against their own people.
Why these political parties, allow this kind of financial and certainly inhuman business
behavior, destroying the lives of millions, and the shut down of thousand of mid-business
enterprises. Leaving millions of people out of jobs, and no income.
We do not know, who the hell is behind the veils, or behind closed doors, are running this show of insanity. Because is exactly what it is. IT IS A PROJECT OF FAKERY.
They are elected by the people, and afterward, by design and motive, they declare war, against their own people.!!
 Doesn't matter, if these people are Greeks, Spanish, Portucish or Cypriots. If they pretend that they don't see anything, or nothing is happening, a question
is arises.
 Do we need blind or deaf people in the EU Parliament?
Everybody for NOBODY, and All for NOTHING.!!
On the other side of the map, are the Populist Parties - movements, and the Far Right
They love their states and their people, and they wand their power back. They wand their
people to control their economy, to control their fate and destiny.
Central Banks must be controlled by the states Governments, and not by EU Central Bank,
of which the 10 members of the advisory board of Mr. Dragi, are the chairmen of the 10 BIG TO FAIL BANKS of the world. 
The SALVINI - LE PEN - and the other member states Leaders, of the coalition, within the EU parliament, are asked by their people, to present a new vision for Europian citizens.
A vision which gives back to the people, their power, their sovereignty, and their dignity.
Man is the center of creation and not the bankers, or their puppets.  
NEO-LIBERALISM in EU has been invented, promoted, and imposed, by circles of power,
destined to use it, for implementing the NEW WORLD ORDER.
The time is Now. Not tomorrow or after tomorrow !!!