
Thursday, March 14, 2019


The island is a small paradise in nature .It is ideal for the production of all sort of agricultural 
and other products,and medecines,to improve and maximise the abilities of liars,hypocrits,corrupted 2 facet elitists,and  also to  provide the conditions of experimentation in all fields of human interaction !Social ,financial,and political,based on established theories or other doctrines of certain cults and secret societes.!

For specific reasons we ,ll call the Island - the farm.
The farm is run and administered by artificial intelligence, having its headquarters elsewhere,functioning under specific quidelines and instructions,through local agents or puppets.
Artificial intelligence is separated into two categories : 
1.Soulles entities programmed to accomplished certain goals
2.Humans lost their light and falled into darkness because of greed and lure of power.

What is the difference bettween a normal human being and a soulles entity or an artificial
The mind is just thinking.It has no sense of feelings.A soul has feelings.These feelings
coming through differend directions  are subjected to coding - decoding by the mind
of a normal human being.

In artificial intelligence there is no such thing.There are no feelings or the sense of feelings.
They are programmed to identify or perceive themselves as humans, although are caugthed
acting as machines, without the possibility or the potentials to perceive the defference 
bettween good and evil,honesty and deshonesty,lies and truths,freedom and slavery, love
and hatrace,compasion and sympathy,creation and destruction.

Their success and happiness(?) depends on your failure to comprechend their goals and their objective targets and also their 2 facet behaviour,which is reflected on all their actions
and sayings.
They are in peace with their own selves,being in a covered war with all of you.
This war against you,is reflected on the war against your financial and social status,your 
health care,your education system,your safety and security.  

Through all these,they controll both your presend but also your future.
They controll your fate and destiny.And this destiny has nothing to do with your freedom.
Others, they ,ll think on your behalf ,they ,ll speak on your behalf,and ,ll listen on your

The war is not only against your mind but against your soul.