Special Ascension Announcement!! Earth Ascension Results In Special Ascension Manual For Universe… Entire Universe Now Watching Earth Like A TV Show!!!
What you are learning/have learned here as a species, have all been recorded in the Universal Library of Knowledge, to be used as Operating Manual/Textbook on the subject of: ‘How to successfully prepare, create and manifest Ascension for a planet and all its inhabitants‘.
It is the very first textbook of its kind ever created! The entire Universe is avidly watching you; watching the entire process/play wonderfully unfolding now – just as you would when watching your favorite TV show/sports games. All of you incarnated Souls who have chosen to be here on planet Earth to assist with this massive collaborative process, are the very famous, legendary trailblazers. – Father God
Basically… earthlings are accomplishing what was one thought to be impossible by many thoughout the universe… that a planet could jump dimensions, while all the species, do the same, while living on that same planet… this is why earth now has such influence throughtout Creation… people look to us on earth, to see how we are doing it…