The Alliance have now turned the tables on the Cabal with the false flag situation in Syria.
Trump has been instructed by the Alliance to bluff a war with Russia in order to crash the stock market.
Putin is aware of this and is playing his "bad cop" role as instructed by the Alliance.
There will be no war as both Trump and Putin are members of the Alliance. It is a scripted geopolitical play to force the stock market to collapse.
News Alerts
Another Cabal underground facility was located near the Knockmealdown Mountains in Ireland. Construction of yet another hadron collider was discovered at the facility, presumably to open a portal to the Mirader Empire.
The Alliance raided the facility which resulted in a firefight between Alliance operators and Cabal-MIC soldiers. The facility was destroyed. 250 Cabal-MIC soldiers and scientists were apprehended and interrogated.
The Cabal recent failed attempt to ignite War World 3 in Syria has now backfired on them.
The Alliance informed Assad to locate the source of the chemical false flag attack. Assad's military was successful in locating the source of the chemical weapons.
The Alliance have now turned the tables on the Cabal with the false flag situation in Syria.
Trump has been instructed by the Alliance to bluff a war with Russia in order to crash the stock market.
Putin is aware of this and is playing his "bad cop" role as instructed by the Alliance.
There will be no war as both Trump and Putin are members of the Alliance. It is a scripted geopolitical play to force the stock market to collapse.
Once the stock market collapses, Trump will introduce the gold-standard (which already exists as the HR5404 bill) through executive action.
The RV does not need the USN to be announced nor the stock market to collapse.
RV exchanges/redemptions will be processed (under authorized permission) through the new financial system at banks and redemption centers. Your private appointment will be acquired via the 800 numbers.
According to sources, the RV began yesterday at levels Tier 1-2.
Tier 4 exchanges (via 800# appointments) is expected to begin Monday.
GESARA will be enacted globally once the dust has settled thus is why the Alliance implores all currency holders to have humanitarian projects.
Humanitarian projects will serve as an initial boost toward the destruction of poverty prior to the enactment of GESARA.