Feb 26, 2018 - Earth’s Magnetic Flip is happening now. Be prepared!

Ron: This video commentary seems to confuse two seperate phenomena namely a Magnetic Reversal and a Pole "flip"(Reversal). Arguably they are not the same. A pole "flip"implies a POLE REVERSAL with the South Pole becoming the North Pole and vice versa. That would devastate all life and infrastructure on this planet. Survivors would be reduced to a Stone Age existance at best. There would be no functioning power grids or anything else. Although it is true that a Pole 'flip' is overdue that is not what is about to happen.
Our planet is on the cusp of a Magnetic Reversal which will cause it to stop spinning momentarily and then reverse its rotation. Thereafter the Sun will appear 'to rise' in the West and set in the East. I understand that Universe Management will control the process in order to minimise the damaging effects of the planet slowing its spin to a halt and then increasing the speed of the spin in the opposite direction. The process is expected to take 6 to 8 days and may commence in earnest with a total eclipse of the Sun for a couple of days. THAT will grab everyone's attention. There will be a brief stasis period in the middle of the Reversal process during which the energetic vibrations constituting conscious physical life on the planet will pause. There will be NO flipping of the Poles because that would devastate the entire surface of the planet and constitute a mass extinction event. I understand that the Magnetic Reversal is unlikely to occur before President Trump has completed the main phase of the draining of the swamp. The beginning of the Magnetic Reversal will probably be signalled by major elements of the 'FAKE News' globalist MSM starting to publish the truth about our world. Talk of a Pole "flip" and lethal radiation occurring at this time is fear porn put out by globalist FAKE science and media elements. BUT, it is true that this process signals the end of an epoch; and Earth inhabitants not disposed to LOVE and serve others, and not wishing to live in peace, truth and harmony with their neighbours and the planet, will be removed to other places.
I note that this video cites evidence that, rather than getting hotter, the planet is likely to experience a cooling phase in the near future due to Sun and planetary electro-magnetic and related changes.

This event is just the latest sign of a fundamental change of direction for Western civilization away from war and toward peace and development, according to these sources. If all goes well, trillions of dollars will soon be made available to both pay off debt of the U.S. government and the private sector, as well as finance a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and turn the planet earth into the paradise it is meant to be, the sources say. This is now being talked about in public by Western leaders and reported on in the corporate media. Remember, you read it here first.
The earth alliance fighting to free humanity from Babylonian debt slavery is also winning on multiple fronts, with senior satanic cabalists dying, disappearing, or losing power at an accelerating pace. CIA sources are now confirming, for example, that Jacob Rothschild was killed by a suicide attack on his helicopter in November of last year…