Essentially, darkness is the absence of light. When light disappears, darkness is accumulated in scale levels, and evil is born. It is true, that it was not created by motive or intention! God in no way has created darkness as the mother of evil. God created the potentials, but not the evil itself.
Nothing it exists by itself any way. There must be the interaction with the aspect of human intelligence, and afterwards, the human awareness to perceive it.!
When there is balance there is harmony, and darkness can only exist when there is a distortion and imbalance in life creations.
Life on the valley of shadows is not either a tragic or non-tragic event. It is a drama.Drama is action. HP. Blavatsky
Without any regret , doubts or fears.
Life is a journey within space - time to Eternity.
Death is the doorway to another field of experience and knowledge.
Life is a journey within space - time to Eternity.
Death is the doorway to another field of experience and knowledge.
Death is a game of hide and see with God!
Because you are immortal!
( Babaji messages )
At those times, - 1 million years ago - is been agreed upon, by both sides, that mother Earth, should be considered as the planet of FREE WILL,in terms of the conducted unique universal experiment, on which, many star systems and civilisations were participating.
Free will, means free choice. Free choice means the right to choose. Which side to be attached, or co-operate with, in terms always of the cosmic law of cause and effect.
In times of duality, the so called pairs of opposites, are interconnected, interrelated, with the cosmic law of karma, or the law of cause and effect.
This cosmic law, has to do with what is considered universally as wright or wrong. This interaction is the motivating element of
expanding or shifting of consciousness, to higher levels of awakening and spiritual awareness.
On planet Earth, as the planet of free will, new conditions and circumstances applied for beings, voluntarily participating in the experiment, by signing contracts before incarnation, following
the Cosmic Karmic Law: First in-last out!.
It is mention in all testaments, that at the very beginning, the first wave of incarnated Beings, related to the experiment, is been of high intelligence, or Masters of the Wisdom. Their task was to lead
Humanity through time, up to the End of Times. To the NEW GOLDEN AGE OF ONENESS, and the end of Duality.
At this very first wave of incarnations on Earth, most of the ascended masters, and other Light Beings, traiced in different stages of the evolution of mankind, either as the leaders or the
Progenitors of certain human race, in the past.
The fundamental part of this unique Universal experiment,
Through the incarnation channel to Earth, a 12 DNA strands light being, is falling to the lower level of the spectrum in all creation, resulting to a complete blank sheet mind conditioned condition, and total amnesia, and loss of consciousness...seemingly lost within the linear time- space continuum.
It is suggested that we have always to remember, that what looks to our linear perception, as endless time, is just a glimpse of the eyes of THE CREATOR within eternity.
In times of duality, or otherwise, during the times of Light vs Darkness, the motivating element of expanding man,s mind horisons, conscious awakening and spiritual awareness, is the pairs of opposites, in broad terms, which in a mysterious way, drives back to the lost source of Light within, and reunion
with our own master.
The discovery of the Path is just the beginning of the great journey, leading back to divine Reality .and reunion with the Light Family and our ancestors. Our dream was from the very beginning, and is still is, to find our lost identity, our real self, lost, during the milleniums of darkness ,prevailed at the times of Atlantis and the fall..
The world of illusions and the dream of non-reality, created by the masters of the dark side, the illuminati,their representatives and their minions on Earth, resulted to a complete veiling of Earth by darkness.
In order to get the correct answers for all questions, raised for all matters related to these happenings, we have to put some crusial questions:
1.Does the whole story of Humanity, started as a unigue Universal experiment, after Creator,s instructions?
2.Why so many cosmic Civilisations, were involved, in both creation and evolution of Humanity?
3.What is been behind creation, and evolution of man, in cosmic terms?
4.What is the meaning of ONENNES at the end of times?
5.Does anything exist, outside the Source, and the Devine Plan?
6.Who are the first incarnated on Earth, for the implementation of the Devine Plan-Humanity project- leading also Humanity, at the End of Times ?