
Friday, February 5, 2016

Benjamin Fulford :Update for February :The takedown of Khazarian mafia Continues by the Joined USA - Russia - China Positive Military

Benjamin Fulford Geopolitical Update for February 1, 2016 [video & text]

Did Hitlary really say, “mothership”????  Really? LOL. There’s our disclosure—at least all we’ll get from her. Indicted by the end of this month? Let it be so.
And Ben has added the fact that the CIA declassified UFO files whereas he omitted that in his first version—at least until Wilcock pointed it out in a comment he left.
I have said that we will not be able to wake up the masses until we have the lamestream media back, and it sounds like we may be getting some cooperation there.  
Thanks, Ben, and yes, we ARE winning.  ~ BP

Clearly the Khazarian mafia is running scared and running out of ammunition. The fact that the Khazarian mob controlled Bank of Japan was forced last week to resort to negative interest rates proves their fake fiat money is now worth less than nothing. The Federal Reserve Board will soon be forced to do the same thing. The more you put money in their banks, the more that money vanishes. More about that later.
The other thing that is clearly failing is their ability to create mass panic, fear and loathing, their traditional control tools. Their latest attempt, upgrading a relatively minor illness known as Zika virus into a baby head-shrinking pandemic is so totally fake, with nothing but computer graphics of small headed babies as evidence, that very few real doctors or hospitals are taking it seriously. Time to round up the criminal liars at the WHO.
The latest attempt to create disease panic may be related to efforts to force the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to cede control over their vaccination and other “medical” (eugenic) activities to meritocratic management.
Bill Gates is also now the point man for computer fraud to make sure a Khazarian mobster wins the upcoming US presidential “election.” This is being presented as Microsoft volunteering the use of its “app” to count votes in Iowa.
Of course, the Khazarian mob is not going to be allowed to steal yet another US election, US agency sources say.
Instead, the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton is being “expanded to intel agencies to purge her moles and embedded Bush/Israeli agents,” a Pentagon source says. A CIA source, meanwhile, put his neck on the line by predicting Hillary will be “indicted by February 28th.”
If the Pentagon and the agencies are serious about taking down Hillary, they should, as Russia’s Vladimir Putin so eloquently put it, “go after the dog’s owner.” Here is Hillary describing her master in her own words spoken on July 15, 2009 at the Rockefeller controlled Council on Foreign Relations Washington DC offices:
“I am delighted to be here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship in New York City, but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.”
Many clear signals are already being sent to the Wall Street mobsters in New York. For one thing, their corporate media control grid is being hacked. According to Pentagon sources, “Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Network has been ordered to reboot the x-files program to reveal truth in plain sight about alien technology, free energy, anti-gravity, 911, NSA, depopulation etc.” Agency sources say “Bush cancelled the show in 2002 to prevent it from exposing 911.” Meanwhile, the CIA has declassified its UFO files.
Other corporate media outlets have also joined this sudden return to real reporting with such outlets as the New York Times and Time Life reporting 911 truth.