
Saturday, January 30, 2016


Message from God

Destroy dark Energies
 Dark forces and entities react differently to the prospect
of their destruction than to the possibility of their transformation.

Whoever wants to avoid one’s change into the Light, will
reject transformation impulses and will continue with the
destructive actions as long as possible.

But as soon as such an entity is confronted with one’s destruction
it retreats. One’s own ego is the greatest value of the egotist.
If it feels threatened it changes its behavior. Here one answers
with exactly the energies, which emanate from these forces and
it is pure fear of one’s destruction, which then prompt these entities
to retract. It is also important to understand that in this time the
attacks become more and more massive. Ultimately it is about
nothing more than the survival of dark energies on this level.
And these fight for their continuation with all means.

In the future you must formulate your mandates even more
decisively and clearer. Never back off from DESTRUCTION and
removal of a condition, which is unhealthy and unbearable for
you. Affirm this process and no longer back off from it. Call the
Heavenly forces for help; call ARCHANGEL MICHAEL to your side,
and you will quickly and thoroughly be freed from the monsters
of this matrix, which romp about in your environment.

 Definition of Corruption
Corruption is a form of dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire personal benefit.[1] Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement, though it may also involve practices that are legal in many countries.[2] Government, or 'political', corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain.
The word corrupt when used as an adjective literally means "utterly broken".[3] The word was first used by Aristotle and later by Cicero who added the terms bribe and abandonment of good habits.[4][dubious ] Stephen D. Morris,[5] a professor of politics, writes that [political] corruption is the illegitimate use of public power to benefit a private interest.

 Economist Ian Senior[6] defines corruption as an action to (a) secretly provide (b) a good or a service to a third party (c) so that he or she can influence certain actions which (d) benefit the corrupt, a third party, or both (e) in which the corrupt agent has authority. Daniel Kaufmann,[7] from the World Bank extends the concept to include 'legal corruption' in which power is abused within the confines of the law—as those with power often have the ability to make laws for their protection.

The $15 Trillion qustions


1.In which ex-great country,the political system,has been completely hijacked by the corporate elites,through corruption-bribary-blackmail,and transformed it in the blink of an eye,from a democracy to an oligarchy?

2.In which country,although there is an elected goverement,the decisions are taken by a non-elected secret goverment of criminal   banking corporatism?

3.Which country has 150 military bases around the world in order to secure its economic-political  hegemony over other nations.?

4.Which country has builded up 135 bunkers - underground cities,and military bases,in order to establish the NWO,and implement the globalists agenda?

5.Which country signed triaties with evil ET races for obtaining advanced warfare technologies,allowing in exhange,the abtuction
of human citizens,for genetic experiments ? 

6.Which country is f.....all their allies and their citizens,through the globalised bankster,s criminal mafia syndicate,for money-more money?

7.In which country the elite are soulles,two faced liars-evil entities
and satan,s worshippers,who are trying to enslave humanity, 
through globalist -ET,s secret agenda ,and surrender of power to the 13 families Black Nobility?

?  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ?
Adam Szubin accused Pr.PUTIN for corruption !!!

Adam Szubin, the Treasury undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, continues to succeed at failing. He told the BBC last Monday that the U.S. government has known of Putin’s corruption for “many, many years.”

“We’ve seen him enriching his friends, his close allies, and marginalizing those who he doesn’t view as friends using state assets. Whether that’s Russia’s energy wealth, whether it’s other state contracts, he directs those to whom he believes will serve him and excludes those who don’t. To me, that is a picture of corruption.

The White House, of course, backed Szubin by saying that his statement on Putin “best reflects the administration’s view.”[3]
Napoleon responded from his grave!!


Paul Craig Roberts also :
“The most corrupt government on earth, a government so utterly corrupt that it allows former executives of a handful of corrupt mega-banks to run the economic policy of the US solely in the interest of their banks, denying tens of millions of American retirees any interest income on their savings for 7 years and denying hard-pressed Social Security recipients any cost-of-living adjustments by falsifying inflation measures, a government so totally corrupt that it has destroyed seven countries and millions of Muslims solely on the basis of lies, this irredeemably corrupt government has accused the most admired political leader on earth of corruption…
“The United States, once admired, then feared, is now the laughing stock of the world. The CIA-controlled German media is being abandoned by the German people who have figured out that their media is nothing but a Washington propaganda operation against Russia.”

