“…the entire solar system has been put on lockdown. Everyone is quarantined. No one can get in, no one can get out, and no communications can get in or out either… in just the last 3 weeks, virtually ALL offensive weapon capabilities, including the most secret ones, have been taken offline and / or destroyed*..
“…about the “lockdown”… any Cabal members trying to get out of here, such as by ship, are actually being shot down…
David Wilcock Comments on Ben Fulford’s 1-27-15… “Everything has sped up dramatically”

Lots of commenting by David. Here are a few highlights. There is a huge amount of data right here in his comments.
(note that David signed all of these, however I removed his “David” from the first four comments to save space).
“In the greater sense of the community and environment around us, there have been decisive and astonishing moves made. No one in the Cabal expected this… Some of the events that are now happening were foreseen, but not for another year. Everything has sped up dramatically.
“…the entire solar system has been put on lockdown. Everyone is quarantined. No one can get in, no one can get out, and no communications can get in or out either… in just the last 3 weeks, virtually ALL offensive weapon capabilities, including the most secret ones, have been taken offline and / or destroyed. This includes secret SDI stuff, nukes, you name it… My take on it, as well as everyone else’s, is that this is a precursor to major events happening on earth.
“…about the “lockdown”… any Cabal members trying to get out of here, such as by ship, are actually being shot down… There have been a variety of reports of strange meteors and atmospheric phenomena…
“…the Snowden “documents” are vastly, vastly deeper than anything we have seen so far. He got EVERYTHING. Why the rest hasn’t been revealed yet… it appears the alliance has a sequential process in mind.
“…the defeat of the reptilians is a CERTAINTY… many still trapped in our solar system… they can’t get out, their allies can’t get in… no communications. Thus they are extremely fearful.
“In order for the ETs who are doing this to have accomplished this, it was required for them to have constructed a completely alternate parallel reality that people were living and working in, and that appeared to be our real future.
“…at the highest levels… events they expected in 2016-2017, as in “Grand Culmination” type stuff, are happening RIGHT NOW.”
Posted by benjamin
FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 1-27-15

January 27, 2015
The world revolution against cabal rule and Babylonian style debt slavery continues to unfold, leaving Europe and the Middle East in turmoil. The Greeks made the boldest move last week when they kicked out the cabal slave government and elected a government promising to end debt slavery. The Russians were not far behind when they took of the gloves and began a full scale military campaign against the cabal mercenary army in Eastern Ukraine. Also, the cabal slave government in Yemen, located next to Saudi Arabia’s oil fields, was overthrown last week just as Saudi King Abdullah died.
The European banking system is also in severe turmoil with the European central bank being forced to issue over one trillion Euros, ostensibly to boost the economy but, in reality, to prevent total collapse of the European banking system.
These incidents are interrelated parts of a single campaign to liberate the planet from a satanic cabal that is still trying to start World War 3 in order to permanently enslave humanity.
Also last week, representatives of the group trying to replace the cabal controlled US dollar with the cabal controlled SDR contacted the White Dragon Society to try to justify their plans.
“These [worldwide] incidents are interrelated parts of a single campaign to liberate the planet from a satanic cabal that is still trying to start World War 3 in order to permanently enslave humanity.
“…last week, representatives of the group trying to replace the cabal controlled US dollar with the cabal controlled SDR contacted the White Dragon Society to try to justify their plans… it was total gobbledygook disguised in highfalutin financial language.
“They were told in clear language that a jubilee, a one-off redistribution of assets and a massive (multi-trillion dollar) campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction were non-negotiable demands. If they failed to do this, they were told, it was a mathematical certainty their current system would collapse in catastrophic failure; leading to a French revolution type bloodbath scenario.
“The Greeks have finally had enough and elected a government that promises to renounce the debt… It is only a matter of time before the Spanish and the Italians figure out the same thing…
“The fall in oil prices and the approaching armies are both precursors of doom for that Satanic regime. The fall of the cabal/Saudi cabal puppet regime in Yemen last week also marked a turning point.”
This is a good summary of what is going on in the physical sense. In the greater sense of the community and environment around us, there have been decisive and astonishing moves made. No one in the Cabal expected this. Even with their tech that lets them see into potential futures, this one wasn’t there.
Some of the events that are now happening were foreseen, but not for another year. Everything has sped up dramatically. The Cabal does believe, and has been taught, that they must experience a full disclosure and apparent defeat. Only then will their Gods appear to rescue them and fulfill their prophecies.
Yet, what we are now seeing is that the entire solar system has been put on lockdown. Everyone is quarantined. No one can get in, no one can get out, and no communications can get in or out either. This may not be a big deal for a hyper-advanced civilization, but it has been a game changer.
Furthermore, in just the last 3 weeks, virtually ALL offensive weapon capabilities, including the most secret ones, have been taken offline and / or destroyed. This includes secret SDI stuff, nukes, you name it.
This is coming from several new insider sources that have appeared and proven to be highly reliable. The Cabal obviously sees this as a tremendous mess and a terrible threat. My take on it, as well as everyone else’s, is that this is a precursor to major events happening on earth.
It would have been impossible to expose and defeat the Cabal without these things happening, as they would have tried to take everyone out with them. The stakes are very high and I will piss people off just by mentioning this as vaguely as I am now. Let’s just say it is a vastly complex and amazing story, and people within this world have had their minds completely blown.
So things are looking very, very interesting.
- David