
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Stephen Lendman : Obama: War Criminal, Racist, Corporate Tool, World-Class Thug

Wednesday, December 03, 2014   

Obama: War Criminal, Tyrant, Torturer, Racist, Corporate Tool, World-Class Thug

by Stephen Lendman
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Obama: War Criminal, Tyrant, Torturer, Racist, Corporate Tool, World-Class Thug
His record speaks for itself. Ideologically over-the-top. Lawless. Reckless. Ruthless by any standard. Reflecting the worst of rogue leadership.
Mocking democratic values. Breaching rule of law principles. Riding roughshod over responsible governance. Serving monied interests exclusively. They never had it so good. 
Responsible for protracted Main Street Depression conditions. Letting popular needs go begging when most needed.
A reliable corporate tool and then some. Pro-war. Pro-business. Pro-privilege. Pro-super wealth. Anti-populist. 
Anti-government of, by and for everyone equitably. Presiding over a gangster state. The most ruthless in world history. Most reckless. Most dangerous.
Exceeding the worst of his predecessors. After promising hope and change, he delivered betrayal. Straightaway.
Breaking every major promise made. Selling out to Wall Street. War-profiteers. Other corporate favorites.
Handing them trillions of dollars illegally. More on request. Letting them make money the old-fashioned way.
Waging class war. Targeting middle America for elimination altogether. Stiff-arming America's most disadvantaged. Blacks. Latinos. Muslims. Immigrants of color.
Supporting capital's divine right to use money to make more of it. Institutionalizing inequality. Force-feeding neoliberal harshness. 
When vital stimulus is needed. When growing millions are impoverished. Millions more unemployed or underemployed.
Over half the population needing dwindling amounts of federal aid. Cutting social benefits en route to eliminating them altogether.
Transferring unprecedented amounts of wealth from ordinary Americans to corporate interests and super-rich elites.
Waging war on organized labor. Calling it shared sacrifice.  Corporate interests share. Like never before. Gorging at the public trough.
Workers sacrifice. Losing good jobs. Mostly rotten ones alone left. Earning poverty-level wages. Few or no benefits. Under gutted work rules. 
Poor health and safety protections. Promised pension benefits disappearing. Losing the right to bargain collectively with management on equal terms. 
Other hard-won benefits gone. Blood and lives sacrificed to win them. Disappearing in plain sight.
Destroying public education. Commodifying it. Into another business profit center. Obama's Race to the the Top continuing the worst of Bush's No Child Left Behind.
Depriving children of real education. Promoting school closures. Mass teacher layoffs. Wage and benefit cuts for those remaining.
Consigning millions of kids to oblivion. On their own. Out of luck. Destroying a nearly four-century tradition. Replacing it with marketplace inequality.
Hardening a police state apparatus George Bush established. Militarizing America. Making it a battleground more than ever.
Arming police nationwide with combat weapons. Using them irresponsibly. Terrorizing America's most disadvantaged. Peaceful protesters. 
Waging war on freedom. Targeting it for elimination altogether. One major false flag terrorist attack away. 
Followed by martial law. Constitutional suspension. Hardening police state viciousness. Making America unsafe to live in. Without fundamental civil and human rights protections.
Endangering whistleblowers exposing government wrongdoing. Journalists doing their job. 
Working-class people struggling to get by. One missed paycheck away from homelessness, hunger and despair.
Rationing healthcare. Enriching insurers, drug companies and large hospital chains. A "pay or die" system, according to Ralph Nader. Instead of recognizing healthcare as a fundamental human right.
Putting bankers in charge of financial reform. Deform by any standard. A stealth system for global money control.
Gaming the system for profit. Legalizing grand theft. The world's greatest ever money making racket. Complicit with privatized central banks. Making the world safe for monied interests.
While increasing poverty, unemployment, underemployment, homelessness, hunger and despair. 
Ignoring vital people needs. Hanging millions out-to-dry on their own. Sink or swim. Live or die.
Enforcing white supremacist policies. Terrorizing and deporting more undocumented immigrants than all previous US presidents combined. 
On average 1,000 a day. Called "Deporter-in-Chief" for good reason. Telling poor, desperate arrivals they aren't welcome. 
Authorizing Gestapo-like Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) warrantless raids. Targeting communities, workplaces and other locations.
Armed with shotguns and automatic weapons. Pulling immigrants from beds. Rousting them from workplaces. 
Confronting them without explanation. Often targeting US citizens by mistake. Unapologetically.
Conducting lawless searches and seizures. Making arrests based on ethnicity, race, appearance and English proficiency.
Separating children from parents. Treating immigrants like common criminals. Like terrorist threats.
Pretending otherwise. Obama's so-called immigration reform by presidential diktat is farcical. Covering less than half the undocumented population. 
Offering them pathetically little in return for demanding plenty.
Subjecting others to brutalizing treatment. Deportation with no right of appeal.
Waging state terror worldwide. At home and abroad. Big Brother is real. Watching everyone. With technological ease.
Trampling on fundamental rights. Leaving no one safe anywhere. Threatening free speech. A free press. Free thought. Intellectual inquiry.
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